The other day I learned on the History Channel that what makes the sun burn is hydrogen. The universe began with hydrogen atoms. The forces of nature caused great suns to form. The pressure and heat of these suns grew so great that they exploded and spread their elements all over the universe. In the process, those elements made the planet Earth, and every other planet in the universe. From those elements came life. It is all part of the order, or the Higher Law of the universe. The author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, saw it as “nature’s God.” The interpreters of the Constitution called Higher Law the background of American constitutional law.
With life came quantity and quality. In the Bible, we humans are described as coming from dust and returning to dust, but with a soul (Genesis 2:7). We are both mass and energy of a special kind.
One of the smallest of excitations (a quantum physics term), hydrogen atoms played a major role in the creation of the time-space universe. Speaking of the time-space universe, kinetic energy, it comes from the need to take into account the special effects of special relativity on one of those smallest of excitations, the observed mass of electrons (Einstein terminology), namely, kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body being in motion, but actually power which may be translated as motion. Special relativity is when two objects are moving at a constant speed, the relative motion between the two objects all that matters, it is the difference in the speeds of the two objects, like if you are traveling on the highway at 60 m.p.h. and a car passes you going 65 m.p.h., the speed difference is 5 m.p.h., explaining special relativity.
Borrowing the term special relativity, we are moving forward technologically at, say 200 m.p.h. and mentally at 5 m.p.h., to put it in physical terms, the relative difference in the two speeds a problem. It was not meant to be. Man caused this difference.
Given this, in Bell’s theorem, which has been proven over and over, there is instant communication between photons that have been connected, even if each is separated by the distance of the entire universe, thus disproving Einstein’s ultimate speed limit, the speed of light, and proving that there is more to the universe than the time-space consortium. Die hards tell you that this that quantum physics brings to our attention has not one thing to do with our lives. Authorities like to place boundaries. The state of consciousness has no boundary.
The latest understanding of the time-space universe, speaking qualitatively, is far ahead of our quantitative assets. Reason, which is fundamental to the law of the land, and the law of the universe, were there no reason for us there would be no reason for the universe. Therefore, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal” (Matthew 6:19).
As far as we know, in conscious awareness potential, we are the highest life form in the universe. The problem we face today boils down to this: our understanding of the time-space consortium. It is far ahead of our understanding of who we are and what we are about. Basically, made in the image of our Creator, we are the equivalence of mass and energy, or the consciousness of the universe. The Bible says, “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26).
Keeping the state of consciousness in mind, all of life depending on other life for survival, weigh the power of survival against the state of consciousness. Man’s state of consciousness has allowed him to invent the atom bomb. Couple the power this gives man with 5,000 year-old religion. The power of advanced minds is being employed by antiquated religion to threaten a monumental disaster. This cannot be the will of our Creator, who created us with reason. I’m merely taking what others have discovered and making sense of it. I have nothing to lose. Those with power and control have much to lose, or to gain. But think about relativity—technology traveling at 200 m.p.h. and power and control moving at 5 m.p.h. Those who listen to the powers that be, losing control of their own lives, are being left, so-to-speak, in a cloud of dust.
A man with an idea risked everything he had to start Apple. Think about innovators like Apple, who’s current CEO, one man making so much money that he gave $75 million of his annual income to his employees, yet people, envious of this man, call him greedy, compare this with the average Iranian under the control of the defenders of a 5000 year-old religion who are using the cutting edge of science to further their antiquated cause. Compare it to President Obama, whose antiquated religious ideas leave him preaching not one word of truth. He continually builds straw men, and then tells you how wonderful he is. Obama can’t back a single thing he has said or done with a positive result. Dividers like Obama are predators preying on ignorance.
I cut from the herd and went to sea. In August 1976, along with three friends, on my sloop Bold Venture sailing from Nassau in the Bahamas to Palm Beach, Florida, and in the Bermuda Triangle, notorious for mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft, I sailed into Tropical Storm Dottie at 2 a.m., with wind above 60 knots. I was soon in thirty foot seas.
I had been on a southwesterly course. When the storm hit, I changed to a northerly course. At sunrise, the storm had moved on. As I rolled over the top of a giant sea, I saw smokestacks in the west. They turned out to be those of Florida Power and Light, a mile south of Lake Worth Inlet, our destination. That couldn’t be. For 7 hours, I had been sailing more than 90 degrees off course, north in the north moving Gulfstream. I arrived at my destination at my estimated time of arrival, as though I’d been sailing a southwesterly course all the time.
Seas were breaking completely across the inlet. Something told me to go for it. Seas were breaking on both sides. The one behind never broke. We slide down it into the inlet. My friends called it a miracle. I call it mass equivalence of energy, or mind over matter, and the way I looked at it, there had to be a special purpose. I was empowered. This is just one of the many miracles my life after I started looking within for my answers. Those who look to earthbound authority for their guidance, hardly the benefactors of miracles, all they have going for them is animal fear and intimidation.
When you read my life story, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, you find connections in the Bible with the cutting edge of Science, the law of the land, and how antiquated religion has kept the people divided.