Memorial Day Weekend Gas Strike

We have been bombarded with stories of oil and gas shortages before and after every war, earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, and political crisis.  Speculators and big oil interests laugh while economies are thrown into recession.   Leaders sit back while people starve due to the high price of oil and food.  Oil shortages have never occured.  Enough is enough.  This Memorial Day Weekend, it is time for American citizens to put their foot down, and tell the speculators and OPEC that $4 per gallon is too much, and we don't want it. 
Memorial Day Weekend, everyone park your cars, picnic in your own back yard, and support your local restaurant.  Shut down the highways, and send a message that we cannot tolerate $4 gas, another recession, or a possible depression. 
Patrick Reilley
Numidia PA
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  • This could be one of the nightmares of the oil consumer as the prices in the market keeps on increasing. Many of us are just earning a minimum amount that are just enough for us and for our family. There is a news that says about a gas boycott is making the email and social media rounds again. The premise is simple, in fact so simple that it ignores reality. The idea is that if every person will rise up and not purchase gas for a day, the evil oil companies will stop gouging their loyal, hardworking, proletarian customers and bring down the price of gas. There is, of course, a quite significant hitch. Oil companies don't set the price at the pump. Individuals will nevertheless be taking out installment loans to fill their tanks.

  • dont buy gas for 4 days on mamorial day weekend..let them hurt a little dont vote for mitt romney or jon huntsman for president..unless you want the morman church to run our country,they will legalise polygamy and you will have to pay 10% of you gross to the church just like taxes
  • That is what I am saying Leah. You boycott gas they make up the tax somewhere else. The National Democratic Party's solution for everything is TAX and Republicans like Bush 2 fell into that too especially after Katrina where it seemed he had a guilt (should not have) and turned into a spending liberal lite.
  • We need to let the free markets roar. No monopolies and no more taxes. Minimal regulations mostly safety requirements. Then the whole supply and demand thing might have a chance. As it stands today the monopolies are controlling more and no one can compete. If u try to avoid getting screwed by them they find a different angle. If u install a generator they get u for noise. If u build a windmill on your property they say its to high and threaten to fine you. They(the government ) does not want us to be independent they want full control and are beating us into submission. Sorry but i think gas is the least of our worries. Patrick i love what ur trying to do but here in NY I've been beat blue yr after yr with the whole reduce energy stick and in the end our reward was a 33% increase on my energy bills. The less we use the more we pay.
  • Obama has reopened drilling in the Gulf.  He did it strictly for political purposes like the Gitmo trial but still the fact is the Gulf is open and more land and sea may open for drilling.  Exxon, Shell and other American and some of Obama foreign buddies have Gulf drilling permits.  If the Government loses money on oil taxes they will raise taxes on electric, natural gas, water, cable, satelllite, property, income, whatever the ways they can are numerous.  Also, they can raise the gas tax to cover the very very small almost nothing loss. And a billion dollars to the Government is like a penny to us.  They just cut 38.5 billion and could have cut many times more.  I respect you for trying but this boycott will be useless it won't hurt the Government or Oil Companies.  It may make you personally feel good and save you a couple of bucks and people (me too) are cutting back some because of budget but that pardon the pun is a drop in the barrel of the overall Oil consumption used in gas and other do not forget oil products.  I am not trying to burst your bubble and be mean I am a realist.
  • Let me put it this way.  If the figures are correct, we use about 10 million barrels of gas per day.  That is 500 million gallons per day.  Park your cars for a four day weekend, and at 50 cents per gallon, the policy makers who are screwing us, just missed out on collecting $1billion in taxes, state and federal.  After a couple weekends of not getting $1 billion, maybe they will change their rationing policies.  By the way, I live in the middle of nowhere, and drive a 14 passenger shuttle bus for sh*ts and giggles.  So I will ask you once again, how do you plan on drilling like crazy without Big Oil.  We need solutions, not clever tag lines.


  • Reilley have you been Chevy Volt shopping.  Maybe Schwinn shopping. Hope your town has a good bus and train schedule Jacksonville doesn't.  Building those solar panels on the roof and the windmill in the backyard.  Boycotting oil is like boycotting water.  The country was built on and is depended on oil.  To switch will be more expensive than the oil is now and not as effficient.  Get more oil like I stated below. Build more refineries.  Call Rush Limbaugh about oil. He is 100% pro oil and anti Environmentalist Wacko.
  • Mule, apparently you slept a little during the supply and demand segment in school.  There is no shortage of oil.  The supply is artificially limited by leaders, and the price is run up by speculators, and leaders who get a kick out of their own people killing each other.  If you want to buy up a million gallons of gas at $5 per gallon, knock yourself out.  How does refusing to buy gas that is only worth $1.50 a gallon make me a liberal?  If people refuse to buy, and the speculators get nervous, and sell their positions, the price per barrel will come down.   So let me hear your solutions to the high price.  You tell me that we will not overcome Big Oil.  Who do you think is going to be doing the drilling by land and buy sea?  You got a couple rigs, and you are just waiting for a permit?  Don't criticize  someone else's idea unless you have a plan that makes a little sense.
  • You want cheaper oil Drill Here and Drill Now big time on land and water.  Also, Drill big time in Mexico and give them an offer they can't refuse. If they refuse to do business invade them like they are  slowly and gradually invading us but in one fell swoop.  Take over Mexico give them good jobs to those who stay there and since Mexico will be under us freely send their criminals back to Mexican soil prisons.  Then when the Middle East happens to unsettle to WW3 level we squash radical Islam aggression and proliferation of Sharia Law.  As long as we are there for that take control of the oil fields for us and our allies.  Need a new President to accomplish the last 2 actions correctly in American interest but he can Drill Here Drill Now and he is starting to do that like he flip flopped and kept the military trial at Gitmo.  Watch Obama to move more and more to the center before the election but it is just an illusion.  Clinton did it in 1995 and 1996.
  • That is what Obama wants.  Car pooling, less driving, electric cars, bicycles, walking, Public Transportation increase, less dependence on oil period.  You won't hurt big oil the prices will not drastically drop here the price will drop in other world markets where oil is more scarce and the price is higher.  More supply will now lower prices there.   Basic Economics Supply and Demand.  Windmills and trains are not Winning The Future unless you are 16th century Holland and 19th century America.  Oil and nuclear are our big sources of energy and to change that will increase prices not lower them for energy.  If Cap and Tax passes or you can call it Crap and Trade the price of energy will skyrocket.  If you can't afford to drive because of your personal budget cut back but to protest like a liberal then go call Chris Matthews he may be interested.  Against Big Oil you will NOT overcome.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
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