bullying climate where threat,coercion and
fear substitute for non-existent management
Employees have to worktwice as hard
to achieve half as much to compensate for the
dysfunctional and inefficientmanagement.
Negative stress diminishes quality of life and
causes injury to healthresulting in the
symptoms of ill-health described on this page
. When people use the word"stress" on its
own, they usually mean "negative stress".
The estimates stress-related
illness cost taxpayers billions each year
The Department of Health state that 3.6%
of national average salary budgetis paid
to employees off sick with stress. Stress
is now officially the Number One causeof
sickness absence although 20% of employers
still do not regard stress as a health and
safety issue.
Traumatizing effect of bullying results in the
target being unable to state clearlywhat is
happening to them and who is responsible;
the target may be so traumatized thatthey
are unable to articulate their experience for
a year or more after the event.
Thisoften frustrates or prevents legal
action: see12-week tribunal application limit
and psychological reactivity of PTSD.
Another frustration is incorrect diagnosis
by a medical or mental health professional
who doesn't understand Complex PTSD
or who is antagonistic towards the concept
of psychiatric injury.
If you're under one of these characters,
ditch them immediately as they will
sabotage both your legal case
and your efforts to recover.
False diagnoses
commonly given include bipolar,
schizophrenia, paranoia, work phobia,
social phobia, borderline personality
disorder (as a cause rather than a symptom)
Bullying results in strong feelings of fear,
shame, embarrassment, and guilt, which
are encouraged by the bully to keep their
target quiet.
This is how all abusers
(including child sex abusers) silence
their targets.
For detailed reasons why targets of
abuse don't or can't report
Work colleagues often withdraw their
support and then join in with the bullying,
which increases the stress and consequent
psychiatric injury; to see why mobbing
breaks out click here.
[I blew the lid off of police being trained mercenary
tactics back in 2000. And ever since I have been
a target of harassment.
Under color of law; depriving citizen of his/her civil
rights is a federal violation. Think FBI give a shit?
FBI Don't. FBi is incompetent
just like local counterpart is]