Every time I see Michele Bachman and hear her talk, I am impressed with her display of her core christian beliefs. Her criticism of the of the other candidates is simply recounting the discrepencies thay have displayed through out their careers. these criticsms or voiced without rancor or laced with vitriolic remarks. she never does or says anything which would compromise her core beliefs. She exhibits the courage to maintain her core beliefs regardless of temptations to compromise them for political expediency. I did not come to a more complete relationship with my maker until I was 70 years old when he inspired me to put some of my lifes experiences to rhyme in my book "Positive Poetry" during that time, i came to realize that so many of my lifes experiences where my being that which God created me to be. Sure I was a sinner many times, as every human has been, but I came to realize that those sins became part of my growing into that which he created me to be.
As I review the things that Michele Bachmann has done with her life, I can see much of the same pattern that I have experienced whereas the the good things I have done and accomplished were a direct effect of my sins. I beleive that my own personal experiences in estasblishing my relationship with God has given me a special insight in being able to recognize the same trait in others and I see that in Michele,
The next leader of this country founded under God which promotes the inalienable rights granted by God must have an eclesiastical communication with God in order to know when Gods wisdom is available to be used.
Michele Bachmann has been blessed with that type of relationship and she will be invaluable in the restoration of this great nation in whatever capacity God wants her to.
We are very fortunate to have a Michele Bachmann available to us and we could use a lot more like her.
Bill Uthe