Might Makes Right

4063498974?profile=originalNatural law favors might, so what is ordered liberty?  It is purely theory; never yet put into practice. Let’s discuss it.  President Obama, while speaking of fairness, uses his authority to bring about gross injustice on all who oppose him. Instead of a uniter, Obama is a divider.  We read in the Bible that a house divided soon falls. Many of we Americans hate America, want to remake America in their image.

How many times have Jews paid for their “Promised Land?”  Power is desire.  We are blessed with reason and logic.  We combine the two and end with rationalizing—for the good of all.  That’s what is wrong.  Nature didn’t give us hive mentality. Most of the wrongs in the world come from that fact.  The Promised Land is spiritual.  Spiritual doesn’t have boundaries.  Religions have boundaries.  Religion is manmade.  States and religion do not belong together.   The Old Testament ends with the prophet Habakkuk crying out to the Lord, “how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear!” Once again, history is about to repeat herself. 

It appears that the Lord is deaf and dumb. Is it not that we are deaf and dumb, have not yet left our animal drive for power? The author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, who proclaimed that he believed in nature’s law and nature’s God, was a slave owner, as was George Washington, who won the war for America’s independence.   With authority comes this rule: “Don’t do as I do. Do as I say.” So what do you expect?  In spite of all the glowing terms on freedom and liberty, the law of the jungle prevails.  But don’t blame the sorry state of affairs on the world’s leaders. They are only doing what comes naturally.  Desire is bestial, the word for it, ego.

  We are entering the Age of Aquarius, a time when we become our brother’s keeper.  Our brother’s keeper is human.  I read the Bible with totally different conclusions than Bible authorities.  Were I an authority, I would think like authorities—do as I say—but I’m a bottom fish. I’m not blinded by surface reflections.  I don’t think what is good for all. I think what is good for me. Because I’m human, peace is good for me.  I’m willing to live and let live. 

To authorities, it is my way or no way, and there are countless ways, and always, might makes right. History is about to repeat itself. God is always on the side of the victor, according to authority.  The battle rages on.  The United States has not won a war since World War II.    

Pick your side—or pick yourself.  I picked myself. Low and behold, I won, naturally, because the United States is nuts. My conclusion: Jesus was right.  The meek shall inherit the earth, and not with the sword, but with love.  It is written in the stars.

The real answer is nothing like the answers we are receiving.  The ancients said the age we are entering, Aquarius, is an age of brotherly love.  The cutting edge of science says we are observers; that we are made to know all that is knowable—and individually.  They are certainly way ahead of their time. Astrologers say that we are part of an archetype that is not confined to a place, and that lives eternally.  Science now finds that that our space-time consortium is but one of many dimensions, and temporary, always changing.  So here were are for a time, here to do what?  Get real! When you Christians repeat the Lord’s Prayer, “in earth as it is in heaven”….followed by, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33), what does that mean? You have been badly diverted by your Christian teachers, and they by their fathers, and their fathers by their fathers—all of those, in fact, who don’t know that we are here with increasing purpose, and desperately cling to the past—all of those who, rather than fly with eagles, think of this as the “end time.”   The end time is actually a new beginning.   It is your choice.

You are gifted with reason and logic, made to ultimately know all that is knowable.  Minister Farrakhan, what is it that you hate about human existence?  You are reacting to the dumb acts of humanity, including your own.  You are made to interact with matter. All is not black and white, so you need to know far more about matter—so you and your “feeling” authority, in trying to save the world, don’t blow humanity to kingdom come.  In the book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, I’m here, not only to help you and your kind out, but those who led you into being what you are.  


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