Americans for Immigration Control
Don’t Fall for the STEM Worker Shortage Propaganda                                        
With nearly 13 million Americans officially out of work, and many more who are unemployed by any reasonable definition of the word, the corporate media keep up the constant drumbeat that the United States is facing a serious labor shortage and must keep our doors open to a flood of foreign workers, legal and illegal.
The media propagandists and the economic interests they front for maintain that Americans are too lazy to do either unskilled jobs or skilled jobs. With respect to the latter, the media line is that we simply don’t have enough trained Americans in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
To meet this alleged shortage, the high-tech firms and their media mouthpieces call for expansion of the H-1B program that grants foreigners temporary visas to take American jobs. Many, however, end up staying permanently. H-1Bs totals are officially capped at 65,000 a year, but through various loopholes many more get in. Companies are supposed to verify that Americans aren’t available for employment before hiring H-1B visa holders, but this rule is easy to circumvent. There really isn’t a shortage of U.S. STEM workers, the firms simply prefer H-1Bs because they can pay them less.
Take engineers, for example, a field where President Obama recently claimed we have a shortage. Currently there are 1.8 million U.S.-born people with engineering degrees who are either unemployed or are working in other fields. For more information about the bogus shortage of engineers see the link below.
For more information about companies seeking H-1Bs in order to secure a lower-wage workforce, see the three links below.
But it gets worse. Four U.S. senators, mouthing the shortage hype, are now proposing yet another program to obtain more foreign STEM workers. For commentary on this outrage go to AIC’s blog at:
And why is exposing the shortage hoax important? When Congress passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the nineties, numerous writers and pundits assured us the loss of middle-class jobs from free trade would be made up with new jobs in high-tech STEM fields. Now, however, a great many of those jobs are going to foreigners.
Question: With Americans being cut out of middle-class jobs, how can we remain a middle-class society? To safeguard our economic future, we must refute and discredit the shortage myth propagated by most of the corporate media. To spread the word, join AIC’s Free Speech Network (FSN) by forwarding this message to your family members and friends.      
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  • More info about the costs and problems of Millions of Illegal Trespassers, from

    Blacklisted by more than 35 film festivals . . . Controversial Film Exposes Ruinous Cost of Illegal Immigration

    We'll Send You This Fantastic DVD FREE

    Select Always Allow Images from NumbersUSA to see graphic

    Dear Paul,

    Director Dennis Michael Lynch wanted to capture the truth about illegal immigration. What he created was a film so powerful that several film festivals have withdrawn their invitations to show the film, because it's too politically incorrect.

    Audiences that have had the rare chance to see it have fallen in love with this film. So has our staff ... and reviewers, too! Here's what legendary radio host Barry Farber said:

    Everyone lights a fire in some way, but Dennis Michael Lynch is a volcano. The best movie about illegal immigration Americans have ever been treated to. This can change things!"

    —Barry Farber of CRN radio

    That's why we want to get this into every home in the country. When you see it, you'll know why. So here's what I've arranged to do . . . When you make a donation to NumbersUSA this month, we'll ship you this dynamite documentary on DVD FREE OF CHARGE. I hope you'll jump on this offer—it is a first from NumbersUSA.

    What "They Come To America" Proves

    Have you ever argued with family or friends about illegal immigration? Have you felt sometimes that other people "just don't get" the consequences? Pop that movie in your DVD player or computer,and sit back with a few friends or family. You'll see everyone in the room getting still and quiet. Your friends will be frozen,eyes glued to the screen,unless they start shouting at the people interviewed who say illegal immigration is perfectly okay or even desirable.

    Please donate today

    or click

    This is what director Dennis Michael Lynch says about his own film:

    I am not a political guy. There is no political agenda fueling this film. Truth is, before making this film I never gave a single thought to illegal immigration. And yet, for some crazy reason, I went as far as risking my life to produce a non-partisan documentary about the hottest political topic in America. What's even crazier is why so many people won't want you to see my film.

    They Come to America is anything but politically correct. There is no slant to the left or right. I am not a racist, I don't hate Latinos, I am not funded by anyone. What I am is a film maker who has made a film that exposes the truth, and the truth is illegal immigration is an issue ignored by too many politicians. It is a crime that comes at a tremendous human and financial

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