Minnesota: Chaos and bloodshed at Democratic caucus in Somali-dominated ward

So chaotic it had to be shut down and no delegates were selected.

As tweeted by @faiza_mahamud  Cities Reporter StarTribune:

That should read “Chaos has erupted and the Minneapolis Police Department is here.”  Video on Mahamud’s twitter feed.

Click to watch video on Twitter.https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2017/04/05/minn-chaos-bloodshed-dem-caucus/

And here’s how the Strib reported it in the paper: Minneapolis voters turn out in large numbers to caucus for mayor, City Council

Sixth Ward

The scene in the Somali-dominated Sixth Ward was chaotic.

Shoving matches and medical emergencies resulted from crowding at the Brian Coyle Community Center, where more than 400 people crammed into the building’s small gymnasium. Council Member Abdi Warsame, who is being challenged by Mohamud Noor, showed up to address the crowd.

“We’re winning in every precinct,” Warsame said. “My supporters, I want you to calm the situation.”

Fire officials shut down the location and sent the caucus outside to Currie Park, which is next to the Coyle Center.

Delegates for the citywide convention were not chosen in the Sixth Ward — that part of the process will be delayed.

Noor said the event was poorly organized, and that the DFL was not ready for the high turnout.

Ninth Ward

City Council Member Alondra Cano has two challengers in the race — former Council Member Gary Schiff and nonprofit director Mohamed Farah.

Somali turnout was significant, and Farah appeared to win or do well in several precincts outside of Phillips. In the Corcoran neighborhood, Farah won 24 of a possible 52 delegates, while Cano gained 15 and Schiff got seven.

All par for the Islamic sharia gentrification course:

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