Momma Bloomberg And Richard Falk Tell The Truth

Momma Bloomberg says RESCIND THE CONSTITUTION and Richard Falk says America has been conquered by Israel.  Momma Bloomberg never did like Constitutional freedom in America because it made the conquest of America by Israel more difficult.  Israelis have been dismantling the Constitution for 150 years.  Richard Falk quotes the phrase, "Those to whom evil is done/do evil in return."  How many Middle Eastern people has Israel killed to steal Palestine?  The Jewish people would have never attempted that without America's military and wealth. 


Israel and the Communist central planners (i.e. the Federal Reserve Board, IMF, World Bank, Disney, CBS, NBC, ABC, NYC, etc.) conquered America and imposed the artificial state of Israel on the Middle East in 1948.  Israel conquered America through the churches on every corner on every Sunday that brainwashed Americans into believing it was right to allow the Jewish authors of the greatest work of fantasy and fiction, the bible, to takeover America and its economy and military to perpetuate the artificial state of Israel. 


The people of the Middle East want to conduct their own affairs and the Middle East is not America's business.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it say create the state of Israel by stealing Palestine.  The Preamble charges the government with providing for the "common defense" not imperialism in the Middle East.  The American Founders understood religion and intended for the separation of church and state.  The Constitution does not establish America as a theocracy commanded by Israel or the bible.  The Constitution provides for freedom of religion not rule by religion.   

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