Monday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
Three Reasons loose lips
liar-Joe Biden Will Never Be President
tkXC4pff6ZLCY-tOiijG4qfGd_oINZ16KafMSYRFGnTApp8UnMJ4vuIRvPFNe9i8zlBcg7_NQuX1BK_0EK7r8xbyGy39B-3og_M2whWGmQy7mjw1MZ56TTBxgGQpD_lUHYYSEyj2SCfj7y7s20201s91kwbca2M=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href= Byron York
CEO of company claiming to have coronavirus vaccine says they are moving on 
to phase one of testing
By Yael Halon
{ } ~ A group of Texas scientists claims to have created a vaccine to prevent the coronavirus and, according to the CEO of the Houston based engineering company... it could be approved and available to the public by the end of the year. "We're confident in the vaccine, the quality of the vaccine completely. The end result will be what the government wants to do in terms of testing," John Price, CEO of Greffex, told "American's Newsroom," Monday. Price said his company developed the vaccine based on the knowledge they obtained from an earlier vaccine they created to combat MERS, which "has a tremendous number of similarities" to the coronavirus, he explained. The vaccine will go through numerous testing stages and is not likely to be available to the public, pending approval, until the end of the year. Asked whether there was a way to fast track the approval process, Price said that would be a "policy decision for the government." "That's always the $100 million question. The earliest that we think would be the end of the year. The latest would be 18 months. But we think that we could – depending on the approval process of the government – get something in 2020," Price said. "Yesterday was the first time I heard people say it's a pandemic," he added. "If it's truly a pandemic, then you can pretty much do whatever you want. The process is roughly four weeks for the first animal testing and then you go into human trials. And that's the part that will be determined by the government." Last week, the FDA granted approval for the National Institutes of Health to begin the first stage of clinical testing in a vaccine developed by National Institute of  Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and his team, which could take up to 18 months to prove safety and effectiveness.  
The Real Reason Why 40 Republicans Voted 
Against the Second Coronavirus Bill
{ } ~ In the wee hours of Saturday morning, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.... Despite President Donald Trump announcing his support for it last night, 40 Republicans voted against the bill. Liberals on Twitter naturally excoriated them, but they had good reasons to oppose it.  As Reason's Billy Binion explained, the "Families First" bill would cost tens of billions of dollars. In addition to providing full government funding for coronavirus testing, the bill would "mandate private businesses provide additional paid sick leave; expand unemployment insurance eligibility; strengthen food security initiatives for senior citizens, children, pregnant women, and food banks; increase funding for Medicaid; and bolster unemployment benefits, among other provisions."The Republicans who voted against the measure warned about similar Democratic wishlist items. "liar-Nancy Pelosi squandered days trying to push wishlist items on us rather than engaging in a meaningful bipartisan discussion," Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) explained on Twitter. "This bill is a 110-page, multi-billion dollar boondoggle shoved on us at the stroke of midnight." "I got a bill around about 9 o’clock or so, I was told it was the most recent draft. I got through it in time to have a number of questions," but then the vote was rushed, he said. "I get a copy of the bill we were gonna vote on and get it right before the buzzer goes off." "This is no way to handle something so important," Gohmert rightly insisted. "While there are some good things in the bill, we don't know the final price tag. Some language will mean major harm for small businesses and our economy. Moreover, it greases the skids for massive bailout packages for industries forced to implement these costly policies. Our national debt is nearing $23.5 trillion--our children's generation can't afford it," he added. "Congress should have stuck with writing a narrow bill that ensures testing availability and support for American families directly affected by COVID-19. Instead, it chose to radically expand the welfare state and set the scene for future spending."...  
Hundreds of Chinese migrants detained at 
US border amid coronavirus-tied travel ban
By William La Jeunesse
{ } ~ Since officials first reported the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan in late December and the United States imposed a travel ban for those entering from China... Border Patrol agents have detained 333 Chinese nationals attempting to enter the United States illegally, according to Department of Homeland Security data obtained by Fox News. While none have tested positive for the virus, the southern border remains a primary focus of the Trump administration, which sees the area as high risk and a gateway for COVID-19 to spread in the U.S. "We have a unique public health threat posed by individuals arriving unlawfully at the border, where migrants, law enforcement officials, frontline personnel, and the American public are put at risk," said a DHS official who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak publicly by the agency. Under MPP, which stands for the Migrant Protection Protocol, the U.S. has deported some 60,000 migrants to Mexico to await their deportation hearings. Unless the Supreme Court acts, the policy will be ruled illegal in California and Arizona and those individuals and other migrants claiming asylum will be allowed to remain in the U.S. indefinitely." All it would take is a single infected individual to impact the detained migrant community within DHS facilities without proper precautions, which can only happen through orderly, lawful migration, the virus threatens to spread rapidly,” the official said. “Any halting of MPP would exacerbate this threat." The U.S. southern border is a microcosm of the world, with foreign nationals from 122 separate countries apprehended or denied entry already this fiscal year -- from October through the end of February. Seventy of those countries currently report confirmed COVID-19 cases, led by China but followed by Italy, Iran, India, Romania, Vietnam and Brazil. The virus started popping up on health officials’ radar screens in late December in China and has since spread around the world. Some of the countries on the list have had very low rates of the virus, including Mexico. Meanwhile, the number of cases in the U.S. has risen dramatically in recent days, topping 1,000. China has nearly 81,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, Italy has more than 10,000 and Iran has about 8,000. Last week the Border Patrol asked the CDC to take over testing of those migrants who show symptoms consistent with COVID-19. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also runs 16 detention facilities with airborne infection isolation rooms. So far, it tested 4 migrants, all coming back negative...
Fox News limiting staff in office 
amid coronavirus crisis
{ } ~ Fox News said in a memo on Thursday that it will be "reducing the staff footprint" at its New York City headquarters and other bureaus starting Monday... with the goal to "limit personal interaction" due to the coronavirus outbreak and protect the health and safety of its employees. The memo from Suzanne Scott, CEO of Fox News, and Jay Wallace, its president and executive editor, also says studio audiences for live shows such as "The Greg Gutfeld Show" will be canceled while shows will rely more on Skype interviews to limit the number of people coming in and out of its headquarters. The measures come amid the closures of numerous government buildings and the cancellation of major events across the country over the past 24 hours, along with the suspension of professional sports seasons. Live audiences for multiple national TV shows have also been suspended, while many businesses are advising their employees to work from home for the time being. "First and foremost, we are reducing the staff footprint at our headquarters in New York and some of our bureaus and will be instituting telecommuting starting Monday, March 16th for all of those departments capable of doing so," reads the joint memo from Scott and Wallace. "We have been preparing for this over the last week by implementing test days for multiple departments and have found various measures that work well" including telecommuting, it later adds. The memo also underscores "extensive sanitizing procedures" that have been put into place "more than two weeks ago which include continuous cleaning and disinfecting" throughout facilities, "especially all shared spaces and common areas where we have instituted commercial-grade treatments." Fox News will also be "reducing in studio bookings across linear platforms and where possible, shows are being directed to rely on remotes or Skype," with all non-essential business travel" being prohibited since a directive was implemented on Monday...
Member Of Trump Family Self-Quarantines 
After Exposure To Person With Coronavirus
by Carmine Sabia
{ } ~ President Donald Trump’s oldest daughter, Ivanka Trump has quarantined herself after meeting with an official infected with coronavirus... She worked from home on Friday “out of an abundance of caution” after she met with an Australian official who has since announced he is infected, Politico reported. “The White House is aware that Australian Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton tested positive for COVID-19. He was asymptomatic during the interaction,” Judd Deere, a White House spokeswoman said. “Exposures from the case were assessed and the White House Medical Unit confirmed, in accordance with CDC guidance, that Ivanka is exhibiting no symptoms and does not need to self-quarantine. “She worked from home today out of an abundance of caution until guidance was given,” she said of Ivanka Trump. Dutton met with Ivanka, Attorney General William Barr and Kellyanne Conway, the Counselor to the President, last week. Dutton said he “woke up with a temperature and sore throat” and announced that he had been infected with coronavirus. In a statement. “I immediately contacted the Queensland Department of Health and was subsequently tested for COVID-19. I was advised by Queensland Health this afternoon that the test had returned positive,” he said. The White House said that Ivanka has not shown any signs or symptoms of being infected with coronavirus. Barr is said to be “feeling great and not showing any symptoms” of coronavirus, Kerri Kupec, a spokeswoman for the Department of Justice said. “He is staying home today and has consulted with CDC. CDC is not recommending he be tested at this point,” he said. Queensland Health has advised that “anyone who tests positive is to be admitted into hospital and I have complied with their advice.” Dutton said that “I feel fine and will provide an update in due course.”...  
Trump Takes Coronavirus Test
By  Joseph Curl
{ } ~ President Trump said in a press conference on Saturday that he has taken a coronavirus test, adding that he is awaiting the results... “I had my temperature taken coming into the room … I also took the test last night. And I decided I should based on the press conference last night,” Trump said. The president said the test was sent to a lab and he doesn’t know when he will get the results back. The move was a change from what White House physician Dr. Sean Conley said in a memo released late Friday, that Trump will not be tested for coronavirus, nor will he self-quarantine. Questions arose after Trump and other White House staffers had interactions with at least three infected people from a Brazilian official delegation last weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, and the president said he would “most likely” get tested. But Dr. Conley said there’s no need for a test or a quarantine. “The President’s exposure to the first individual was extremely limited (photograph, handshake), and though he spent more time in closer proximity to the second case, all interactions occurred before any symptom onset,” the doctor wrote in a note released by the White House. “These interactions would be categorized as LOW risk for transmission per CDC guidelines, and as such, there is no indication for home quarantine at this time,” Dr. Conley added. “Additionally, given the President himself remains without symptoms, testing for COVID-19 is not currently indicated. I will closely monitor and care for the President, and will update you as more information becomes available.” In a White House press conference on Friday, Trump was asked by CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang if he was being “selfish” by not being tested...   
Three Reasons loose lips liar-Joe Biden Will Never Be President
tkXC4pff6ZLCY-tOiijG4qfGd_oINZ16KafMSYRFGnTApp8UnMJ4vuIRvPFNe9i8zlBcg7_NQuX1BK_0EK7r8xbyGy39B-3og_M2whWGmQy7mjw1MZ56TTBxgGQpD_lUHYYSEyj2SCfj7y7s20201s91kwbca2M=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=  Byron York

loose lips liar-Joe Biden was sworn into the United States Senate on Jan. 3, 1973. He remained in the Senate until Jan. 15, 2009 — a span of 36 years. If history is any guide, that alone is a disqualifier in loose lips liar-Biden’s quest for the White House.

What does 36 years in the Senate say about a politician? It says he is a senator — not a president.

So the first reason loose lips liar-Biden will not become president is that no one who served 36 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 30 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 25 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 20 years in the Senate has ever become president. No one who served 15 years in the Senate has ever become president.

It’s not for lack of trying. Bob Dole, who was sworn into the Senate on Jan. 3, 1969, ran for president 27 years later, in 1996. He quit the Senate during the campaign to show his determination to become president. But his long years in the chamber, plus his age — he was 73 at the time and the subject of endless suggestions that he was too old to be president — were a deal-killer for voters.

Others tried, too. In 2008, rino-John McCain ran for president after 21 years in the Senate. It didn’t work. In 2004, John hanoi-Kerry ran for president after 19 years in the Senate. That didn’t work, either.

A long career in the Senate is simply not a foundation for a successful run for the White House. The most recent political figure to realize that was Barack scumbag/liar-nObama, who was sworn into the Senate in 2005 and two years later was running for the presidency — and to get out of the Senate.

OK, put aside the Senate, loose lips liar-Biden’s supporters would say. What about his eight years as vice president? Certainly that could be the basis for a successful presidential run. But the second reason loose lips liar-Biden will not become president is that the record of vice presidents on that score is not encouraging.

Fourteen vice presidents have become president. Of those, eight became president upon the death of the president. Of that group, some were later elected to the White House, but they were running for the office as the sitting president.

Others, like George H.W. Bush, became president by succeeding the president they served. They won the presidency as the sitting vice president. When Bush did that, in 1988, it had not been done since 1836. It has not been done since.

In any event, that is not loose lips liar-Biden’s situation. He served eight years as vice president, but did not run to succeed President scumbag/liar-nObama. Now, he is running as a private citizen.

Only one president has gone from the vice presidency to private life and then to the presidency. Richard Nixon served as vice president in the 1950s, narrowly lost the 1960 presidential election, and then came back to win the presidency in 1968. That is loose lips liar-Biden’s hope — that a vice president can leave office and then, after a period outside government, return to win the White House.

Perhaps. But Nixon, who spent less than three years in the Senate, became vice president a few days after turning 40, and was sworn in as president at 56 — more than two decades younger than loose lips liar-Biden, who will be 78 on Inauguration Day 2021.

Finally, the third reason loose lips liar-Biden will not be president is the “14-Year Rule.” The idea of former George W. Bush speechwriter John McConnell, and popularized by writer Jonathan Rauch, it basically says that politicians have a strict sell-by date. “No one gets elected president who needs longer than 14 years to get from his or her first gubernatorial or Senate victory to either the presidency or the vice presidency,” Rauch wrote. That has been true for a century.

loose lips liar-Biden didn’t even get close. It took him 36 years to get from his first Senate victory to the vice presidency. If he wins the presidency now, it would be 47 years from that first Senate swearing-in until Inauguration Day.

Of course, it’s possible the 14-Year Rule, the Too Long in the Senate Rule, and the How Vice Presidents Become President Rule might all be wrong in loose lips liar-Biden’s case. If so, he can frame this headline and hang it somewhere in the White House. But don’t bet on it.   ~The Patriot Post  

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  • Bonnie

    We all won't have to worry about loose lips liar to be elected. He'll be retired.

  • If and I say GOD FORBID IF, Biden became pres he would soon be retired to a Florida home.  The veep would run the country and Biden would be brought out for special occasions.  THIS WOULD BE A HORROR FOR WE KNOW HILLARY WOULD LOVE THE JOB.   A NIGHTMARE FOR SURE

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