Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
I Hereby Resolve in 2015...
Burt Prelutsky
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Is climate change real? Senate to put it to a vote  The Hill: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday he will allow the Senate to vote on an amendment asking if they agree that climate change is impacting the planet. At his weekly press briefing, McConnell said ‘nobody is blocking any amendments’ to legislation that would approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline….But a measure proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) had raised questions about whether he would stick to that commitment. The Sanders measure asks whether lawmakers agree with the overwhelming consensus of scientists who say climate change is impacting the planet and is worsened by human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Democrats believe the measure could be a tough vote for some Republicans, particularly GOP senators running for reelection in 2016 in states carried by President nObama in 2012….Sanders's amendment is one of many Democrats are looking to tack on to the controversial bill, which Republicans are eager to send to President nObama’s desk. The White House has threatened to veto the Keystone legislation. -Fox News 
Nebraska’s freshman Republican Sen. Ben Sasse came to the senate with a unique resume on the number one issue for many in his party: A way to replace nObamaCare. Sasse, a former top Bush administration health insurance official, tells Power Play host Chris Stirewalt about the plan to replace the law and how Washington can restore enough trust with voters to tackle the topic. WATCH HERE-Fox News 
The Hill: “Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer said Tuesday that he is close to deciding on whether to run for Senate in 2016. Steyer did not say whether he would run for the seat Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-Calif.] is leaving, nor which way he is leaning. ‘Holding office is a sacred trust in our society, and I am honored that so many colleagues and friends have encouraged me to consider entering this race,’ Steyer wrote Tuesday in the Huffington Post. ‘California Democrats are blessed to have a deep bench of talent, and I will decide soon based on what I think is the best way to continue the hard work we have already started together to prevent climate disaster and preserve American prosperity.’  Shortly after Boxer announced her intention to retire from the Senate in two years, a close ally of Steyer said he was considering running, and was reaching out to fellow Democrats in an effort to gauge their interest.”  -Fox News 
Just as President nObama is hitting the campaign trail to sell a reboot of his domestic policies ahead of next week’s State of the Union Address, the threat from Islamist militants is again crowding out his messages. Starting eight days ago with the deadly attack in Paris, the president has struggled to gain traction for his calls for more spending, higher taxes and new regulations. The nObama media strategy, on which its authors have been congratulating themselves at length in the political press, is to roll out the speech day after day to targeted geographic and demographic groups. This is not unlike what we saw last year when Islamists in Iraq and Syria destroyed the Democratic Midterm communications strategy and focused national attention on concerns over the president’s foreign policy. The president’s campaign to avoid lame duck status looks similarly imperiled.  -Fox News 
 Islamist killing fields in Nigeria -   Fox News: “Amnesty International has released satellite images that it says show widespread destruction in two Nigerian towns attacked by Boko Haram last weekend. The international human rights organization says that the photos show the towns of Baga and Doron Baga in northeast Nigeria, before and after the attacks. The images were taken on Jan. 2 and Jan. 7 of this year. Boko Haram fighters seized a military base in Baga on Jan. 3 and, according to witnesses, killed hundreds of civilians in cold blood in the ensuing days. …Amnesty International calculates that 3,700 homes and other structures were demolished by the Islamic militants over the course of the attack.”
           [Fox News Poll: 64 percent of voters say the threat from Islamic extremists is increasing while 55 percent say President nObama is not prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat them.-Fox News 
 Holder on Defensive  
(nicedeb) - Speaking at a Justice Department event honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder said  he was  “troubled and deeply disturbed by recent mischaracterizations” of the nObama administration’s regard for police officers...The comments came in the wake of a scathing open letter to Holder from a retired FBI agent that went viral. The fact that the top law enforcement officer of the United States felt the need to get in front of a microphone and insist that he has been a big supporter of law enforcement – tells you all you need to know about how “unambiguous” that support has been. He lies just like his leader.
 Saudi reset with Iran is unavoidable  
(M K Bhadrakumar) - The terrorist strike last week on the Saudi border post facing the Iraqi province of Anbar — known to be the Islamic State’s first assault on the kingdom — could be the proverbial straw on the camel’s back...forcing Riyadh into a profound rethink of its regional strategies imbued with the rivalries involving Iran. Tehran has effectively countered the Saudi plots in Syria and Iraq and at the moment would seem to have the upper hand. The last-ditch Saudi attempt to hurt the Iranian economy by forcing a steep decline in oil prices is not only not having the desired effect but, as President Hassan Rouhani explicitly warned yesterday, Riyadh may end up shooting at its own feet (as well as the Kuwaiti brother’s).
 Freed Gitmo detainee opens Islamic State base in Afghanistan  
(Robert Spencer) - And nObama just keeps freeing more. These men are seasoned, trained, battle-hardened jihadis. What are they going to do, open a deli?...As President nObama frees droves of terrorists—including five Yemenis this week—from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo news reports confirm that a Gitmo alum who once led a Taliban unit has established the first Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) base in Afghanistan. I have come to the conclusion that's nObama's plan all along.
 nObama denies evidence of North Korea's nukes 
(F. Michael Maloof) - The nObama administration is denying that North Korea has developed miniaturized nuclear warheads and missiles to deliver them, even though the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency have assessed that they exist, charges an adviser to Congress on national security... “President nObama himself began this big lie amidst the 2013 nuclear crisis when North Korea was threatening to make nuclear missile strikes against the U.S. and its allies,” said Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the privately funded Task Force on National and Homeland Security for the Congressional Caucus on EMP. Pry told WND the DIA and CIA have both assessed that North Korea does have nuclear missiles, but nObama officials such as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper “have suppressed this intelligence.”
 Conservative Leaders Light Fire Under Congress  
( - Conservative movement leaders are unveiling the mandate they say Republicans have heading into this new Congress, after voters gave them a majority in both the House and Senate for the first time during President nObama’s tenure...The document, obtained exclusively by Breitbart News, details how the conservative leaders expect Republicans in Congress to “stop” nObama’s “fundamental transformation of America,” something they say the American people made clear in the 2014 midterm elections with such resounding GOP victories. “The November 2014 election was a repudiation of the complicity of the United States Congress in President nObama’s dramatic and unconstitutional expansion of government,” the document’s introduction reads, before listing several major expectations the American people have of Republicans as this new Congress begins.
 PA Documents Detail Payments to Terrorists  
( - Official Palestinian Authority policy provides monthly payments for convicted terrorists held in Israeli jails. The longer the sentence, the more the terrorist's family receives...A jury saw the document outlining that policy Thursday during testimony in a $1 billion civil trial brought by American victims of terrorist attacks in Israel between 2002 and 2004. The attacks were carried out by branches of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Palestinian Authority (PA), their employees or others who received assistance from the groups. Alon Eviatar, a retired lieutenant colonel in the Israeli Defense Forces, told jurors that the PA, PLO, Fatah and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade are all part of the same hierarchy. Fatah members dominate PA employee rosters, he said.
 nObama Dedicated to Islamist Ascendency  
(Erik Rush) - No sooner had reports of the horrific attack on the office of the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by Islamist commandos coalesced last week, than politicians and media talking heads began qualifying their accounts with liberal use of phraseology intended to obscure the fact that these mass murderers were Muslims...In some cases, these parties do not wish to be labeled “Islamophobic.” In other cases, they are deluding themselves in there being some operative distinction that exists between Islam and “radical Islam.” Islam has a 1,400-year history of not playing well with others – of executing the same methodology in subjugating nations across the globe as they are currently executing in the West. I believe that there are many people of good conscience who deny the truth about Islam because if they acknowledged it, they would have to accept remedies to the threat that would be distasteful to them. The truth? Considering the character of Islam at its core, all Muslims are part of this diabolical design of supplanting Western civilization with an Islamic one, indeed, whether they believe it or not. Few may become full-blown jihadis, but rest assured that most of them advocate what the full-blown jihadis are doing – and polling data of Muslims clearly reflects this.
 Liberals Are Losing It Over Discovered Of Ted Cruz’s Past  
( - Progressive liberals absolutely revile and fear Texas Senator Ted Cruz, mostly because he is a principled conservative that threatens the status quo of the Establishment and is a constant thorn in the side of the nObama administration...As such, Cruz is constantly attacked and maligned by the Left, who will seize upon any particular bit of information that could be twisted, contorted, and taken out of context to smear Cruz. Ted Cruz received a ticket from the police for being a minor in possession of alcohol back in 1987, when he was a senior in high school — a relatively minor infraction compared to nObama’s admitted drug use and Bill Clinton’s laundry list of sexual dalliances and rape accusations.
 Trey Gowdy Makes Major Benghazi Announcement  
( - In a recent press release, Rep. Gowdy announced he’s going to keep on keeping after the nObama administration, holding more classified and public hearings to determine where the blame lies...The latest House Select Committee hearings took place this week, with the members hearing classified information from the Department of State. Gowdy is continuing his meticulous, methodical pursuit of the truth in the Benghazi case, and while processes like this can feel protracted, Gowdy is crossing every T and dotting every I so that those responsible for the Benghazi debacle will have nowhere to run. “The Department of State provided new information to the committee and answered questions raised by committee members.”
 Net Neturality Update: Thune and Upton get to work  
(Neil Stevens (Diary) ) - Well, as has been warned, the FCC will have a vote on Net Neutrality at the end of next month. And after intense lobbying by Barack nObama, Chairman Tom Wheeler has made it clear that he will pursue Title II Reclassification...a ridiculous power grab favored by the extreme left wing, which would place the Internet under 1930s-era telephone regulations. For an overview of the problems with the radical left wing’s ideas on Title II Reclassification, which would effectively undo the light regulatory touch the Internet has had since the bipartisan Telecommunications Act of 1996, Don’t Break the Net is a good resource. In summary though, the plan the far left has is to declare by regulatory fiat that ISPs are no longer information service providers, and so are eligible for a wide range of regulation, including price controls. That extensive regulatory power will then be used to dictate how the Internet should be run, toward an aim of socialized Internet.
I Hereby Resolve in 2015...
Burt Prelutsky
     ( - I'm not big on making New Year’s resolutions, but I do pledge to continue holding the feet of liberals to the flames until they pull this computer keyboard out of my cold, dead hands.

     Although I know it’s too much to ask that left-wingers stop providing me with so much grist for my mill, I would appreciate it if they would at least slow down the rate at which they commit their mischief. I’m not getting any younger, after all, and I would appreciate a chance to occasionally catch my breath.

     For instance, nObama made it a point before the midterm elections to remind us that although he wasn’t on the ballot, all of his policies were. So his policies led to across-the-board losses for Democrats, costing them the Senate and a dozen more seats in the House, and somehow nObama took that as a mandate to do more of the same.

     The few Democrats still left in Congress must be sweating blood, worrying about what he’ll do in the next two years to cost them their jobs in 2016. It makes me wonder if those dopey Democrats will ever figure out that nObama was a Trojan Horse the GOP cobbled together in order to destroy their party.

     I readily admit that I could never have been a Secret Service agent because under no circumstances would I ever agree to sacrifice my life -- to take a bullet as the job description puts it -- for a president. But were I to be a Secret Service agent, I’d certainly draw the line at providing cover for a president’s adulterous affairs, as was the case for those who were or continue to be saddled with the task of protecting the likes of JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton and, according to the National Enquirer, Barack nObama.

     Perhaps we shouldn’t have been so shocked, considering the horny louts they have to associate with, that the Secret Service has been rocked with a number of sex scandals of their very own in recent years. And before you huff haughtily at the mere mention of the Enquirer, keep in mind that was the tabloid that finally broke the news about John Edwards and his ditzy doxy, Rielle Hunter.

     Furthermore, don’t think for a minute there weren’t plenty of reporters and editors at the NY Times and the Washington Post who knew that Edwards was a world-class philanderer. But, as we all know, America’s premier newspapers have all taken a blood oath vowing to never blow the whistle on a Democrat.

     To me, the only two surprises were that it’s apparently with females that nObama is rendezvousing at Washington’s swanky Jefferson Hotel and that Michelle is still letting him walk around in one piece.

     Speaking of nObama, after I recently stated that those who insist that respect must be paid to the office of the presidency sound infantile to me, I heard from a few people who took me to task. To them I responded: “Here’s the deal – I’ll respect the office of the president, but only if and when Barack nObama belatedly shows me that he does.”

     For years, I fully expected, but dreaded, that some European nationalist would rise up and ride to political power by using the Muslims the way that Hitler used the Jews. It’s not that I wouldn’t sympathize with their anti-Islamic feelings, but because one always has reason to fear a European nationalist. Whether his name is Napoleon, Bismarck, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini or Putin, a great deal of innocent blood is always certain to be spilled along the way.

     In any case, this is to report that in Dresden, Germany, 17,000 people recently took part in an anti-Muslim demonstration that was organized by a group calling itself PEGIDA, which translates as Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West. It was a welcome change from the demonstrations Muslims seem to stage every week or so, expressing their displeasure with the host countries that clothe, house and feed these Islamic ingrates. For one thing, this demonstration was peaceful. For another, it was justified.

     For many years, I have balked at the notion that there are good Muslims as well as bad ones. The good ones, I’m told, are those who would never slit the throat of an infidel. So far as I can tell, those are the ones who simply cheer on those who do the actual slitting.

     Shortly after 9/11, I suggested that if American Muslims wished to show their good faith, they would pass the hat at their mosques and raise reward money for Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. Instead, they not only continued funding Middle East terrorism until the FBI shut them down; and, rather than mourn the slaughter of 3,000 innocent Americans, they spent most of their waking hours whining about being racially profiled.

     Because far too many of us in America have been cowed into accepting the lie that every culture is superior to our own and that Islam is every bit as peaceful and life-confirming as Christianity and Judaism, nobody is supposed to question the morality of those who continue worshipping Allah in spite of the fact it is the most blood-thirsty cult the world has ever known.

     My question is why in a world that offers worshippers not only Christianity and Judaism, but Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism, would any decent human being cling to Islam, which was born and bred in savagery 14 centuries ago?

     After all, why is it perfectly rational for people to abandon the nation of their birth to seek a better, safer, more productive, life somewhere else in the world, but it’s insulting to suggest they abandon the religion into which they were unfortunately born for equally sensible reasons?
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