Monday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
To FISA or Not to FISA
John J. Bastiat  
commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on Fox 
News and started one scandal 
that could ruin Democrats
by ~ This was the day no one ever thought they would see. commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared on Fox News. And commie-Ocasio-Cortez blew the whistle on one scandal that could destroy the Democrat Party... commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is commie-Bernie Sanders’ biggest supporter in Congress. Days after commie-Sanders lost five of six primary contests on “mini-Tuesday,” commie-Ocasio-Cortez made her first ever appearance on Fox News to discuss the state of the race. Under questioning from host Brett Baier, commie-Ocasio-Cortez claimed the real reason commie-Sanders lost badly in the key state of Michigan was voter suppression. “I think one thing that isn’t being talked about is the rampant voter suppression in this country. Right there in Ann Arbor where we had that rally, those kids were waiting three hours in line to vote in Michigan. When we talk about who’s turning out and who’s not turning out,” commie-Ocasio-Cortez claimed. Baier pressed her on this point and commie-Ocasio-Cortez did not back down. “Absolutely. There’s more that we need to do in terms of turning out youth voters. We need to make sure we are inspiring young people to turn out, but when you do turn out, you should not be waiting three, four, seven hours in order to vote,” commie-Ocasio-Cortez. This was a Democrat primary. commie-Ocasio-Cortez is accusing her own party of suppressing voters and rigging the election in favor of loose lips liar-Biden. These comments demonstrate the chasm that exists between the Democrat Party establishment and commie-Bernie Sanders supporters. If “Sleepy” loose lips liar-Joe Biden can’t bridge that gap in time it will spell doom as commie-Sanders supporters will feel they were cheated for the second election in a row and stay home on Election Day.   

Forbes Kills Article Questioning 
loose lips liar-Joe Biden’s Mental Fitness
by Andrew
{ } ~ Forbes magazine isn’t necessarily the first publication that comes to mind when you think of left-wing American magazines... but it seems they’re doing their share to boost loose lips liar-Joe Biden’s chances in the fall. Why else would they have quickly yanked down an article written by senior contributor Elizabeth Bauer questioning whether or not the Democratic frontrunner is suffering from dementia? The piece, which drew no conclusions about loose lips liar-Biden’s mental state, nonetheless challenged the former vice president to take swirling concerns seriously and take an cognitive assessment test to prove that he’s not suffering from any undiagnosed mental deterioration. “And — folks, this is where I’ll take off the journalist hat for just a moment: I have watched someone take this test,” Bauer wrote. “To a cognitively unimpaired person, the questions seem trivial. But the individual that I watched take this screening could not answer questions that to an unimpaired person would seem obvious. These are not ‘trick questions’; it’s not an IQ test nor is it designed to ferret out nuances. But if a person really does have impairment, the test really will identify it.“ Which means that, yes, if loose lips liar-Biden’s gaffes and his outbursts are just ‘loose lips liar-Biden being loose lips liar-Biden,’ then there should be an easy enough answer: loose lips liar-Biden could take the screening test just as easily as Trump did, and just as easily pass it, and then everyone can just shut up about the issue — unless, that is, the claims of Republicans that he has been pushed and manipulated into this election against his own best interest, and he’d be better off having stayed in retirement, are actually well-founded,” Bauer continued. These quotes, of course, were pulled from a cached version of the article. Because only hours after Forbes put it up on their website, they pulled it down. They couldn’t have been concerned about factual accuracy, because Bauer wasn’t making factual claims about loose lips liar-Biden’s mental health. She was merely saying that, based on a number of bizarre campaign trail flubs and fights, the American people were rightly worries about loose lips liar-Biden’s state of mind. She pointed out the remedy for those questions: Take a test and prove that you’re okay. Why would Forbes want to protect loose lips liar-Joe Biden from this sort of scrutiny? The American people deserve to know, to a reasonable degree of certainty, that the person they’re voting to make President of the United States is not suffering from a degenerative brain disorder. loose lips liar-Biden’s words and actions in recent weeks throw that question into sharp relief. The media needs to stop ignoring this important question and give it the due it deserves.   

‘Just The Beginning’: Trump Strikes Notorious Mexican Drug Cartel, 600+ Arrests Made
By  Ryan Saavedra
{ The Trump administration announced on Wednesday the results from a massive federal operation targeting the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG)... which is one of the most notorious drug cartels in Mexico.  The Justice Department (DOJ) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) revealed that over 600 arrests had been made as a result of Project Python, which started late last year.“Project Python marks the most comprehensive action to date in the Department of Justice’s campaign to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately destroy CJNG,” Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Criminal Division said during a press conference. “When President Trump signed an Executive Order prioritizing the dismantlement of transnational criminal organizations, the Department of Justice answered the call and took direct aim at CJNG. We deemed CJNG one of the highest-priority transnational organized crime threats we face. And with Project Python, we are delivering results in the face of that threat for the American people.”President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13773 instructed federal officials to identify, interdict, disrupt, and dismantle drug cartels, which has been a top priority of Trump’s...
Known Plagiarist loose lips liar-Biden Trashes Trump's COVID Plans, Then Steals Trump's 
Plans & Peddles Them as His Own
By C. Douglas Golden 
{ } ~ If you’re a younger reader, your first exposure to loose lips liar-Joe Biden is probably his time as Barack scumbag/liar-nObama’s second-in-command... You may not have known that 20 years earlier, he could have been the guy sitting at the Oval Office desk rather than the one standing beside it. loose lips liar-Biden was one of the Democratic contenders for president in 1988 and, unlike now, he was seen as an antidote to the Democratic establishment. “The Democrats had taken two shellackings at the hands of Reagan, and there was this thought, not really based on a lot of facts, that the Democrats were too soft, too feminine, too much into interest politics, and loose lips liar-Biden was seen by his own people as an antidote to that — good looking and athletic — who would come across as stronger,” Time reporter Laurence I. Barrett, who covered the campaign 1988, told another Time reporter in a 2019 interview. Unfortunately for loose lips liar-Biden, that campaign died in its early months when it turned out he plagiarized a speech from British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock without giving him attribution. Media scrutiny revealed loose lips liar-Biden had  plagiarized other politicians on the stump, and thusly was his campaign torpedoed before a single vote had been cast. While it’s difficult to guess what would have happened had loose lips liar-Biden won the nomination — and he was certainly the favorite before the plagiarism scandal — he would have been a stronger candidate against George H.W. Bush than the Democrats’ nominee that year was — the wholly ineffectual Michael Dukakis. Thirty-two years and one generational health crisis later, loose lips liar-Joe Biden hasn’t really learned his lesson. On Thursday, loose lips liar-Biden slammed the Trump administration’s response to coronavirus. This was disheartening, if unsurprising. He then told the crowd his plan to fight coronavirus — which was almost exactly what the president had been proposing. First, loose lips liar-Biden’s condemnation of the administration’s COVID-19 efforts, which came during a speech in Wilmington, Delaware. “The administration’s failure on testing is colossal,” loose lips liar-Biden said, according to Yahoo News. “It’s a failure of planning, leadership and execution. “We have to help the world to drive coordinated global strategy, not shut ourselves out from the world. Unfortunately, this virus laid bare the severe shortcoming of the current administration.” He also criticized the administration’s European travel ban and claimed Trump’s reference to COVID-19 as a “foreign virus” — which is objectively true, since the outbreak started in a foreign country — was evidence of bigotry. “Neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia. … labeling the coronavirus a foreign virus does not displace accountability for misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump admin,” loose lips liar-Biden said. “Coronavirus does not have a political affiliation.”...
Itai Bloch on Israel's COVID-19 Vaccine
by Marilyn Stern
{ } ~ Itai Bloch, lead researcher in computational chemistry, drug discovery and cheminformatics at the MIGAL Galilee Research Institute in northern Israel's Kiryat Shmona... spoke to Middle East forum radio host Gregg Roman on March 11 about the COVID-19 coronavirus and MIGAL's progress in developing a human vaccine to stem the pandemic. Bloch's interview with MEF Radio was the final one granted by the non-profit research institute to the public until further notice. MIGAL's development of a COVID-19 vaccine builds off four years of research, funded by Israel's Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Agriculture, developing a vaccine against an avian coronavirus, the Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), for the poultry industry. Technology used by MIGAL to update this vaccine as different strains of IVB evolve is being applied in a "larger jump" to adapt it into a vaccine against the human coronavirus known as COVID-19, said Bloch. nUnder the leadership of Jacob Pitcovski, head of the Virology and Vaccine Development laboratory at MIGAL, this effort began shortly after Chinese scientists sequenced the COVID-19 genome and shared it with the rest of the world a few weeks into their outbreak. This will be an oral vaccine, which will put "less ... [of] a burden on medical teams ... to administer it." Bloch said MIGAL will have a vaccine ready within weeks and hopes to complete its own internal testing in about 90 days, after which the institute will work with an outside partner to conduct clinical trials. "We are in contact with several different governments and health authorities around the world, with companies who are willing to help" conduct clinical trials. The institute is currently exploring which prospective partners will "be of the greatest help to advance these programs as soon as possible."...   

Corona Pandemic Reveals Where Extremists
 & Everyday Muslims Overlap
By Shireen Qudosi
{ } ~ The fast-moving coronavirus pandemic has become a morale boost to Islamists, many of whom see the virus as an act of divine wrath against the enemy... But how is it affecting “everyday” Muslims? Those monitoring the messaging across pro-Islamist State (ISIS) platforms are observing several key themes among Islamists: Highlighting death tolls in Iran from coronavirus these are coming from anti-Iranian/anti-Shiite extremists. Xenophobia and racism against China, which they view as a justified punishment for China’s brutal treatment of its Muslim Uyghur population. While the passion for defending a common identity group in this case, Chinese Muslims against aggressors is a popular theme among extremists, glorifying punishment isn’t exclusive to extremists. Among everyday Muslims, most of whom are not Islamist extremists, there’s consensus that “China had it coming” with how it treated Uyghurs. There’s also recognition that the very things religious Muslims were challenged for practicing — or practices that were not seen as being inclusive within a secular society — are now norms in our new pandemic reality: Covering your face was seen as a security risk, now it’s preventative healthcare;  not shaking hands with women was seen as misogynistic; now it’s the new norm. It has many everyday Muslims wondering whether earlier measures against covering one’s face or insistence on not touching people of the other gender in greetings was really security and culture or bigotry. This is not to say there’s a comparison between ISIS and everyday Muslims. It is, however, to say that things are complicated, and that the victim mentality pegged on extremists is not exclusive to extremists. On the other hand, there are legitimate grievances, and we’ll have to sort them out after the coronavirus pandemic is handled. This is a time of observation. One such observation is: There are crossovers between the drivers pushing extremists and the emotions felt by everyday Muslims. The coronavirus fallout is also bringing out the people in between, like the nonviolent Islamists who refuse to accept a possible coronavirus vaccine if it’s sourced from Israel.
To FISA or Not to FISA
John J. Bastiat  We’ve written on a number of occasions about the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and its 9/11 progeny — the PATRIOT Act — and whether either should be renewed. Usually we debate these around budget time, since that’s the time to kill one or another if it’s going to be killed. This time is no different. Frankly, the only thing we’ve concluded thus far is that both should be killed outright — and that they should both continue. Our guess is that we’re not alone in our ambivalence. Here’s the “why” backing this oxymoronic stance.

On the “pro” side, good reasons exist for why there hasn’t been another 9/11 since 2001: Intelligence activities authorized under the post-9/11 FISA and PATRIOT Act statutes, much better cooperation between federal (and state) agencies, and the use of the hyper-secretive federal Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) search warrants have all bolstered national security and made us all safer. It’s also axiomatic that a government must be able to keep certain secrets to maintain such protections: If a foreign state or terrorist actor gains knowledge of the intelligence activities conducted against it, it will most certainly act to evade or counter those activities. So at least some level of trust must be vested by the public in government to empower it to conduct such activities that are deemed critical to the nation’s overall safety and security.

As former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy has noted, two key PATRIOT Act provisions — the so-called “roving wiretap” and the “lone wolf” sections — remain critical to protecting the public from foreign state and terrorist actors. Roving wiretaps allow government agents to attach the communication-related search warrant to the foreign agent instead of the agent’s phone, so a new warrant is not needed to continue surveillance every time a new “burner” phone is used. The lone-wolf provision permits the government to monitor foreigners, not U.S. citizens or legal residents, who are engaged in highly suspicious, terrorist-related activities without directly connecting them to a foreign state or terrorist organization. The idea is that such connections are often hard to make and take time and intelligence gathering to firmly establish. But this provision is effectively authorization to monitor under “duck theory” intelligence operations: If it walks and quacks like a duck, chances are it’s a duck. The longer government agents are able to observe behaviors highly correlated to known terrorist activities, the more likely such connections will be found. These two measures seem sensible enough to us, by themselves. But the collective capabilities and protections of the federal government are not without a price.

Indeed, on the “con” side is a host of horribles, many of which have been ostentatiously paraded before the American public over the past four years by unwitting Democrats who were late by at least one presidential election to recognize the unintended consequences of their actions. A few of the “floats” in this parade include using the most powerful intelligence apparatus in the world as a weapon to target political enemies; stockpiling “big-data”-sized records of millions of calls made in the U.S. because that data “might” be needed, a violation of Fourth Amendment protections; conducting “deep state” shadow-government activities (note to leftists: using the phrase “resist” does nothing to help paranoia — justified or not — aimed at this perception); abusing authorities and powers in serial fashion; and making false arrests and trumping up charges to “squeeze” enemies of the deep state. The list is virtually endless and has taken its toll, culminating in the defenestration and public humiliation of the FBI and virtually all of the so-called “intelligence community.” The collective esteem of these once-venerable organizations will take a very long time to rebuild, if that’s even possible.

So what to do? The people entrust their governments with the authority and responsibility to take care of them. That hasn’t changed and it never will. If a government cannot take care of its people it will ultimately fall. Moreover, abuses can and will happen in every government. Governments are composed of humans, after all, and humans err. So the question really is how to deal with these realities. Do we — as has been suggested for both the FISA and PATRIOT Acts — trash such well-intended government measures and “start over,” or do we try to use the most recent lessons learned to surgically excise the “badness” and keep the “goodness”?

To us, at least, the answer seems very dependent on the level of “surgery” needed. Are we talking mole removal, or are we talking organ transplants? We think using a let’s-not-throw-baby-out-with-the-bathwater perspective is a good approach to solving this problem, at least initially. Is there a way to avoid the abuses we’ve just seen without scrapping decades’ worth of well-intentioned legislation? If so, a foundational “must” to preclude such ash-heaping is to restore intra-governmental accountability.

In our view, putting federal court judges — who are largely unaccountable to the people — in charge of making calls on intelligence activities is a total nonstarter to such a restoration. Federal judges should be put in and made to stay in their proper lanes: deciding matters of federal law, not segueing into the lanes of foreign intelligence in which they have neither expertise nor any business being in. And they should certainly not be put into positions in which under-the-cover-of-secrecy political temptation and intrigue are likely to find footholds and metastasize, as these continue to do. Congressional oversight, periodic reviews, and power-of-the-purse checks on executive-run intelligence programs provide at least some measures to remedy the rogue operations such as those we’ve witnessed over the past half decade. Pulling federal judges out of their FISC roles as de facto buffers from such accountability is perhaps a modest measure and may not resolve all the problems associated with FISA and the PATRIOT Act. But getting unaccountable federal judges out of the mix can only help to restore the badly needed direct paths of accountability so clearly missing under the present statutory construct.  

~The Patriot Post 

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