Monday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
loose lips liar-Biden the Bully
AX7E-R2UbdvckzDHiXztJ0PrsBebykPkX60JtYcR_I4608MD076l3V9DM56LXG126QqiqyjwJU4uLeHIHNWELSuFmJDr00xxfT1wi2BFE5pmvYMjSPdiSp0pm81qJSNJCuQoXzac3cPEsCeA3dLfufo3Acxlxes=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href= Gary Bauer
Now Is Not The Time 
to Forcibly Close Restaurants
by sundance
{ } ~ Right now, today, the retail food supply-chain is trying to recover from previous panic buying. Across the nation grocery stores are wiped out. Warehouses are emptying trying to replenish the stores... The upstream suppliers are trying to resupply the warehouses. Supermarkets are closing early and opening late while trying to stem panic and fulfill customer demand. Now is exactly the wrong time to limit food choices and push more people into those retail food stores. No advance notice. No time to prepare or plan… just an immediate order. Imagine what will happen tomorrow morning in Ohio and Illinois at grocery stores. Notice these orders from short-sighted governors almost immediately; meaning, no-one has had the time to prepare for this type of a disruption in the total food supply chain. These governors do not have any experience, policy framework, or previously established state-wide systems having been tested through experience for a process of rapid food distribution as a result of a state emergency. They are flying by the seat of their pants, and taking advice from the wrong people with the wrong priorities and the wrong frame-of-reference. A government cannot just shut down 30 to 50 percent of the way civil society feeds themselves, without planning and advanced preparation for an alternative. Those who ARE the alternative, the retail food grocers, need time to prepare themselves and their entire logistical system for the incredible impact. Without preparation this is a man-made crisis about to get a lot worse. Some states have emergency food distribution and contingency plans. Those states are hurricane prone states; and those states have experienced the intense demand on the food distribution system when restaurants are closed and people in society need to eat... 

Fed slashes interest rates close to zero, boosts assets by $700B to fight coronavirus pandemic
By Paul Conner & Megan Henne
{ } ~ The Federal Reserve on Sunday slashed interest rates by a full percentage point to near zero and said it would buy $700 billion in Treasury securities, an aggressive step to insulate the U.S. economy from the coronavirus pandemic... “The coronavirus outbreak has harmed communities and disrupted economic activity in many countries, including the United States,” the Federal Open Market Committee said in a statement. “The Federal Reserve is prepared to use its full range of tools to support the flow of credit to households and businesses.” The benchmark federal fund rate is now at a range of 0 to 0.25 percent, down from a range of 1 to 1.25 percent. The cut essentially brings the nation’s interest rate to zero -- something that President Trump has repeatedly pressed for over the past year. The historically low interest rates, which not been at this level since the 2008 financial crisis, are expected to remain until the economy recovers from the recent downturn. "The Committee expects to maintain this target range until it is confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on track to achieve its maximum employment and price stability goals," the Fed said in its Sunday evening statement. The Fed also said that it will buy at least $500 billion in Treasury securities and $200 billion in mortgage-backed securities over the coming months, a program known as "quantitative easing." Earlier this month, Powell announced an emergency 50-basis-point cut to the benchmark federal funds rate, sending it to a range of just 1 percent to 1.25 percent. It marked the first time since the financial crisis that the Fed has reduced its key rate outside of scheduled policy-setting meetings. “Desperate times call for desperate measures and the Fed is doing just that in an effort to keep credit markets functioning and prevent the type of starving of credit that nearly toppled the global economy into a depression in 2008," Bankrate chief financial analyst Greg McBride said in a statement.
Trump mulls full pardon for Michael Flynn
by ~ Rumors have swirled for months that Donald Trump may be considering pardoning former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn... On Sunday, Trump confirmed those rumors.  “So now it is reported that, after destroying his life & the life of his wonderful family and many others also, the FBI, working in conjunction with the Justice Department, has lost the records of General Michael Flynn. How convenient. I am strongly considering a Full Pardon,” Trump tweeted Sunday morning, amid the unfolding coronavirus crisis. Retired Army Lt. Gen. Flynn pled guilty to making false statements to the FBI in connection to the Russian collusion probe in 2017. Flynn was scheduled to be sentenced in late February but the sentencing was put on hold after Flynn’s legal team began the process of withdrawing his guilty plea due to alleged prosecutor misconduct. Trump did not further elaborate on his plans or clarify the allegation of “lost records.” However, this announcement follows a flurry of pardons issued in February, including a pardon for disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. It’s also been rumored that Trump is considering a pardon for his ex-confidant Roger Stone.   

Steven Mnuchin -vs- Jonathan Karl 
Coronavirus as an Economic Contagion
by sundance
{ } ~ Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin appears on ABC news where Jonathan Karl demands the U.S. Treasury Secretary should collapse the economy. Pathetic and desperate Mr. Karl wants a recession almost as much as he wants the job to replace Stephanopoulos... This interview is a case study in TDS. The media are addicted to selling a resistance narrative. Coronavirus is to media like crack cocaine is to an addict. Instead of taking the opportunity with the Treasury Secretary to explain what measures are in place to help businesses deal with financial assistance, and have Mnuchin outline what procedures are in place for them to follow, the media waste ten minutes constructing their anti-Trump narrative for an audience. It is ridiculous.
FBI warns consumers about coronavirus scams
by ~ Several police departments said the FBI informed them that people are getting phishing scams, so they are urging people to be cautious of suspicious coronavirus emails... “Anytime something like this happens you see those evildoers coming out, looking at how they can profit off of it,” Sgt. Robert Parsons, with the Dunwoody Police Department, explained. The department said other agencies have alerted them to people sending out emails appearing to be from the CDC and World Health Organization. “They are, unfortunately, praying on people who, right now are concerned about what’s going on in the world and they’re trying to get more information,” he mentioned. But instead of learning more about the coronavirus, the folks getting these emails provide criminals with their own information.The emails, police told us, are phishing scams. “They’re getting people to download attachments that contain malware in an effort to get a hold of people’s bank statements and personal information,” Sgt. Parsons said. Law enforcement said scammers have also created fake charity emails asking for money. Parsons said, “it’s frankly disgusting that’s the world we live in right now.” In order to protect you and your family, experts said verify sender before opening the e-mail, read link addresses before you click, and don't provide personal ID information "We don’t need these outside actors coming in with frauds and businesses looking to profit off of this. We need to get through this as a community, obviously with the best information we can get from the health officials,” the sergeant said. It’s not just phishing emails to be wary of.  
scumbag/liar-Hillary begs for pass 
in two of her most serious scandals
by ~ Former Secretary of State and twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton is asking an appeals court to give her a pass on a scheduled depostion concerning her email scandal... WND reported U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth granted the deposition to Judicial Watch after ordering discovery two years ago in a lawsuit probing whether scumbag/liar-Clinton set up the private email system to avoid Freedom of Information requests. The complaint also alleged the State Department's plan to settle the case was in "bad faith" and that State conducted an inadequate search for scumbag/liar-Clinton's records. Now, scumbag/liar-Clinton and her former chief of staff, liar-Cheryl Mills, who also was ordered deposed, have asked the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to overturn the order. Judicial Watch said the scumbag/liar-Clinton request comes in its lawsuit seeking records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack." The watchdog famously found in 2014 that the "talking points" that provided the basis for liar-Susan Rice's false statements about the attack were created by the scumbag/liar-nObama White House. The Freedom of Information Act lawsuit led directly to the disclosure of the scumbag/liar-Clinton email system in 2015. Judge Lamberth has called the unsecure email system "one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency." "Discovery up until this point has brought to light a noteworthy amount of relevant information, but Judicial Watch requests an additional round of discovery, and understandably so. With each passing round of discovery, the court is left with more questions than answers," he has said. The court found scumbag/liar-Clinton's prior testimony, mostly through written sworn answers, was not sufficient. "The court has considered the numerous times in which Secretary scumbag/liar-Clinton said she could not recall or remember certain details in her prior interrogatory answer," Judicial Watch said. "In a deposition, it is more likely that plaintiff's counsel could use documents and other testimony to attempt to refresh her recollection. And so, to avoid the unsatisfying and inefficient outcome of multiple rounds of fruitless interrogatories and move this almost six-year-old case closer to its conclusion, Judicial Watch will be permitted to clarify and further explore Secretary scumbag/liar-Clinton's answers in person and immediately after she gives them. The court agrees with Judicial Watch – it is time to hear directly from Secretary scumbag/liar-Clinton."Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the "desperate act is yet another attempt by the scumbag/liar-Clinton machine to delay truth and accountability for her email conduct and how it impacted the people’s ‘right to know’ under FOIA." scumbag/liar-Clinton's lawyers contend the case is moot, that there are no answers to be obtained, that all of scumbag/liar-Clinton's information already is available and that the lower court's order is "inappropriate, unnecessary, and a clear abuse of discretion." Additionally, as a "high-ranking" official, scumbag/liar-Clinton should be exempt, the filing said. Judicial Watch's director of investigations, Chris Farrell, has explained how the organization obtained the ruling for a deposition...
loose lips liar-Biden the Bully
AX7E-R2UbdvckzDHiXztJ0PrsBebykPkX60JtYcR_I4608MD076l3V9DM56LXG126QqiqyjwJU4uLeHIHNWELSuFmJDr00xxfT1wi2BFE5pmvYMjSPdiSp0pm81qJSNJCuQoXzac3cPEsCeA3dLfufo3Acxlxes=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=  Gary Bauer

Former Vice President Joe Biden continued to have success in the Democratic primaries Tuesday, with wins in Michigan and several other states. It increasingly looks like it’ll be a Trump-loose lips liar-Biden matchup come November.

Everything both men do between now and Election Day will be put under a microscope. Which is why I think the loose lips liar-Biden campaign should be worried about something that happened Tuesday in Michigan.

As Biden was touring an auto plant in Detroit, a worker asked him why he wants to take Americans’ Second Amendment rights away. 

The auto worker highlighted a policy-related problem of loose lips liar-Biden’s. loose lips liar-Biden is often portrayed as a “moderate” or “centrist” politician, and he may have been long ago. But in recent years he has lurched to the left along with his party. And that includes on guns. In fact, just days ago loose lips liar-Biden appeared to offer former Rep. socialist-Beto O'Rourke (D-TX) a role in addressing gun control in his administration. socialist-O'Rourke, you may remember, was previously a presidential candidate who infamously promised to confiscate people’s guns, even suggesting that police would visit people’s homes to implement an assault-weapons ban.

Perhaps feeling a little sensitive about being called out for his extreme position on gun control, loose lips liar-Biden immediately escalated things with a heated, profanity-laced response to the auto worker’s question. He got in the guy’s face, called him a horse’s you-know-what, and invited him to take things outside. loose lips liar-Biden ended by telling the worker that he doesn’t work for him. (Watch the exchange here.)

So, was this an isolated incident? Well, no — loose lips liar-Biden has a habit of threatening people who confront him over his far-left positions.

Earlier in the primaries, when an Iowa man asked him a question, loose lips liar-Biden called him fat and challenged him to a push-up contest. He called a female student a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” at a town hall in New Hampshire.

loose lips liar-Biden has even threatened physical violence against President Trump. He once told an interviewer that he’d “take him behind the gym and beat the hell” out of Trump if they were in high school.

This is particularly problematic because one of the themes of the loose lips liar-Biden campaign is that with him as president, the country would turn away from the boisterous figure of Donald trump and get back to “normalcy.” But Trump rarely gets enraged like this, especially at voters.

There’s been a lot of talk about whether loose lips liar-Biden has lost the mental edge needed to run for president, let alone to perform as commander-in-chief. But there’s another question to consider: Do voters want to put their trust in a man who has a tendency to bully and threaten the people for whom he would in fact be working?

scumbag/liar-Hillary in the Hot Seat

Here’s some interesting news you may have missed. Lost in all the headlines about coronavirus and Super Tuesday comebacks, scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton had a huge setback.

The folks at Judicial Watch are doggedly pursuing answers to many important yet unresolved issues surrounding the former secretary of state’s private email server. I’m pleased to report that they recently won a big legal battle in that ongoing effort.

Judge Royce Lamberth has ordered scumbag/liar-Clinton to submit to a sworn deposition. She’s responded to questions in writing before, but Judge Lamberth found her responses grossly inadequate. The judge wrote that her answers were “incomplete” and “unhelpful” and “left many more questions than answers.”

Now scumbag/liar-Hillary will finally face a real grilling! Of course, we know that scumbag/liar-Hillary was interviewed by the FBI. But that interview was a total joke and she was handled with kid gloves. It wasn’t recorded and she was never put under oath. 

Among other things, Judge Lamberth wants answers to the following questions:

  • How did scumbag/liar-Clinton come to believe that her private emails would be preserved, as is required by law?

  • When did she learn that State Department records management officials did not know about her private server?

  • Why did she think that using a private server for official State Department business was permissible in the first place?

One reason scumbag/liar-Hillary’s emails remain an ongoing issue is that the government is still finding new messages. Judicial Watch informed Judge Lamberth that the FBI turned over 30 new emails in December and the State Department has no explanation for where they came from. 

scumbag/liar-Clinton has until mid-May to complete the sworn deposition.

Are Dem Voters Rejecting Socialism?

The consensus in the media, including conservative media, is that loose lips liar-Joe Biden’s primary victories show that even Democrats are rejecting the socialism of Sen. commie-Bernie Sanders. I beg to differ! 

Exit polls conducted in states voting Tuesday by Fox News asked Democrat voters whether they supported or opposed a “single payer” healthcare system (commie-Bernie’s proposal), which essentially eliminates private insurance and puts government in charge of all healthcare.

In every state this proposal was supported by more than 60% of Democrat voters. But, these same voters supported loose lips liar-Biden over commie-Sanders. Clearly, they aren’t rejecting socialism; they simply believe that loose lips liar-Biden will have an easier time winning in November. 

If he wins, these left-wing Democrats believe and will insist he take over U.S. healthcare. Conservatives must fight back against the idea that somehow loose lips liar-Biden is a moderate.  ~The Patriot Post  

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