Now I know way the democrats are the party of jackass’s when they speack you wonder which end they are speaking out of. There is sure a lot of Bulls--t coming out of their mouths and obummer hasn’t even opened his mouth there yet. I have tried so listen to some of it but I get so angry a listening to BULLS--T that I have to turn it off.
To start with is his wife I really think she does not know to boil water without burning it. Yes she living the American dream, sucking up all the American tax dollars she can get her hands on. The word “WORK” is a very bad word to her and her husband. But I guess she does work at taking vacations, going to parities, skiing, and find other ways of spending taxpayer money I guess that is hard work.
Sandra Fluke, now if people were listening to her at the Senate hearing they would of caught the type of person she really is. It cost her $90.00 per month for birth control, you folks do the math, you can see how she’s paying for her schooling. Now she wants the taxpayers to help pay for that. You think she might be called the schools “HOOKER”.
Now I hear this stuff about fair share. That funny we do pay our fair share, I’m just waiting for them to start paying their fair share at least to start paying taxes like other Americans. There’s so many of them that haven’t paid their taxes. There a lot of them that are running off with a lot of taxpayer money it would shock people if they find out. WND wrote an Article about it about two weeks ago, it sure did make me angry about it.
These people do not believe in God, keeping my faith in God kept me alive during my time in Vietnam, I believe there’s of other guys that would say the same thing. Also the kids that are servicing today just have to ask any of them. When your in combat it doesn’t matter as for race, color or creed your bother in arms and you learn to work together because your life depends on it.
As for Israel they are proud people very polite and easy to work with. They are totally wonderful people. They also remember WWII and what happened to them and they will never forget, or allow that to happen to there people again. I had the opportunity to train some of there pilots and ground crews and I was very impressed.
I tried again to listen to the Jackass’s but the only thing that was coming out of their mouths was donkey PooP. After this so called election we need to start up this third parity and remove the left put them on a Boat that has a hole in it and ship them all out.
I could go on for hours about all the lie’s they tell but I’d run out of space on this computer.
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