From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center
November 10, 2011
The Media Research Center’s reports that NBC and ABC in their evening and morning newscasts completely ignored the grilling Attorney General Eric Holder received on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, over his role in the 'Fast and Furious' scandal.Senate Republicans forced Holder to admit his initial sworn testimony to Congress about his department’s role in gunwalking was "inaccurate."
Our own reports that, despite the fact that two “Fast & Furious” guns were found at Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder scene, Holder told the Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that it wasn’t “fair” to assume the ATF operation led to the agent’s death. Holder followed that outrageous statement by declaring that he had not and would not apologize to Agent Terry’s widow and family.
Holder also admitted that Fast and Furious was “flawed,” but then urged the Senate not to lose sight of “what’s really at stake here.”
Holder’s reflections on “what’s really at stake” led Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to question if ‘Fast & Furious’ is a scheme to undermine Second Amendment rights. “My suspicion is they don’t like the Second Amendment the way it is, and they are going to do everything possible to hurt the current gun legistlation and restrict guns.”
Holder went on to argue that the discussion of what he knew and when he knew it was “a distraction.” The real focus should be on stopping the flow of guns into Mexico. Holder then insisted that Congress give the ATF MORE power to stop guns flowing south!!! This may be the boldest bait and switch by Holder to date.
To put it plainly, there were several bombshells in Holder’s testimony, and also the fact that 2 of the 3 major broadcast networks ignored them completely!
<Synopsis from CNSNews.COM>
+ + “Fast and Furious” Meets Bias By Omission
The sitting United States Attorney General is hauled before Congress, admits to “inaccuracies” in sworn testimony, suggests that federal program that has led to the death of hundreds is a “distraction” and the insists Congress give more power to the agency that ran this lethal fiasco. The liberal media’s reaction: “Nothing to see here folks.” There is only one reason that this story is not being covered, it exposes the Obama Administration for gross incompetence, corruption and dishonesty.
The Media Research Center and are committed to uncovering the truth and exposing the liberal media for trying to hide it!
Our analysts and reporters are bringing this story to light. We are demanding answers and accountability -- both from the Obama administration and the Obama-controlled media.
Just days ago we launched our national petition demanding the media report the truth about the botched “Fast and Furious” operation. We received more signatures on this petition in the first 24 hours than we have on any petition in recent memory. We will be delivering these petitions to the Washington, DC offices of ABC and NBC and need to make a strong statement!
We need to get to the truth on what increasing looks like a botched attempt to subvert the Second Amendment by our own government. We can’t allow liberal media silence to sweep this story away from public view.
Alert your friends by forwarding this message to them. Encourage them to take fast action with you -- first by reading our accounts of this failed sting, and then by signing our petition.
The liberal media are President Obama’s willing pawns. It is up to the citizens of our nation to hold them accountable, to demand honesty and truth in reporting!
Thank you for standing with us in holding the liberal media accountable!