More wisdom from the White House

April 14, 2012

After three years of the Obamas and their smug, know-it-all attitudes, it is difficult believing the American public hasn't revolted. The Obamas simply believe they are better than everyone else. Watch them. Listen to them.

The latest wisdom from the Obamas- on- high and their feminist friends came this week with a verbal attack on Mitch Romney's wife. Liberal elitists are always assaulting the role of wife, mother, and keeper of the home, and consider women holding this role old-fashioned. God calls being a wife and mother a good thing. Guess the libs never read Proverbs 31.

Of course, the anti-women remarks this week were not spoken directly by President Obama, but came from a subordinate in his administration. Nonetheless, whether it is Obama or one of his mouthpieces speaking, attacking Ann Romney is totally ludicrous and unwarranted. Moreover, it is another sign of disrespect for the American people, and failure to respect our elders for that matter. Ann Romney has been married to the same man for over 40 years, has helped raise their five children, has gone through breast cancer, and suffers from multiple sclerosis. None of these undertakings have been easy. Frankly, Mrs. Romney and all such women should be applauded as role models for America. After all, families are a crucial part of a nation's foundation.

And by the help with the kids, Michelle Obama's mother lives with them at the White House. Apparently Michelle can't juggle her responsibilities as well as most other First Ladies have throughout history — or for that matter, Mrs. Romney. Hmm...

While Mr. Obama claimed innocence in the remarks toward Ann Romney, his statement rings untrue and insincere — like almost everything proceeding from his mouth. In the past he didn't want people talking about his wife, and yet, had no qualms going after opponent Jack Ryan's family during his campaign for the US Senate. (That was after agreeing the family was off limits.)

So, in Obama's continuing diatribe against America, many hardworking stay-at-home-moms and housewives have been dissed by him and his minions this week. So what else is new? EVERYONE is below these people. Obama the Great doesn't bother to disguise his utter contempt for America. But, We the People can begin to make him "eat his words."

There has to be a tipping point when we get mad enough to fight back against the know-it-all bully who has repeatedly attacked us. While We the People have allowed this bully to assume his power and control over us, that doesn't mean we have to continue taking his insults. We need to get a collective backbone. We are to respect the office of President, but we don't have to respect the inhabitant of that office if he doesn't earn our respect. And come November — well, maybe we can discuss that next time? To anyone willing to hear....

© Madeline Crabb

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