Mother Earth

4063470705?profile=originalPresident Obama is of the school of thought that capitalism is self-serving and indifferent of the environment. There is some truth in that thought.  But is that reason enough to wreck the institution and begin again?  Everything Obama has done, and is doing, leads one to the conclusion that Obama and following wants to tear everything down we’ve built and begin fresh.  The thought comes to mind that the object is control.


I’m of the school of thought that I am here to bring earth and heaven together as one, and to make capitalism caring.  I’m looking to the individual; Obama looks to the majority rule: democracy. The picture represents democracy.  Majority rule goes for entitlement; forcing though law the successful  to share with those who are not successful, regardless of the reason.   Protecting the environment includes the snail darter, a three inch fish.  Just as much as we humans are entitled, this fish is entitled.


It has occurred to me that we humans were created with reason for a purpose, and protecting a snail darter at the expense of humans was not our purpose.  But I give Obama credit for being created with reason—other than protecting the snail darter.  Everything he does is for a reason.  Add it all up and it comes out as tearing down the old and creating the new in his image, the dictator of what shall be and what shall not be.


I look at earth as a speck of dust and humanity the creation of the universe, our purpose far greater than Mother Earth.   So far it keeps coming back to that.  So far, Obama’s theory has not worked. The situation is far worse now than when he took office.  Obama takes none of the blame.  He’s had to deal with what Bush left him.  Bush was socialist minded. He called it “compassionate conservatism.”  The central thought is central government.   The only candidate running on the Republican ticket that is capitalist thinking is Ron Paul. 


We all know that you can’t change what has been the trend overnight, but what should be the answer is not there, at least in specifics.  To talk specifics means defeat.  The American people don’t want change.  Nothing has yet taken place so bad as to make the majority want change. 


The momentum in America for a century has been toward central government, but with building resistance.  The energy now is great. We’ve yet to figure out what to do to protect our rights. My life was in ruins in 1975.  I studied the Constitution and acted against the federal government.   It worked in more ways than one in my favor.


Compare the planet Earth with a small boat on the Atlantic Ocean.  In August 1976, I entered tropical storm Dottie on Bold Venture, my thirty-seven foot sloop.  Three of my friends were with me. I was at the helm.   We were in the Bermuda Triangle, an area where ships have mysteriously disappeared without a trace; also known as an area of time warps.  Throughout the storm, I was calm and assured that we would not go down.  We arrived at Lake Worth Inlet, Palm Beach, Florida at my estimated time of arrival.  Seas were breaking completely across the inlet. As we entered, seas were breaking on both sides. The sea behind never broke. We slid down it into the inlet.  My friends called it a miracle.  During my two years of living on Bold Venture other inexplicable events occurred.


Obama considers himself keeper of Mother Earth.  For this noble cause, he has a lot of followers.  Compared to the universe, Earth is but a speck of dust.  Obama looks at all humans and all animals with equal rights, including the snail darter.  Obama shut of irrigation of the Imperial Valley in the interest of the snail darter, causing the price of food to soar.  Obama doesn’t take blame for that, nor for the price of fuel rising.


Noble Obama, keeper of Mother Earth (and nothing else), has an agenda.  Obama believes the majority rules:  believes in democracy.  Observe the results.  What would happen if economic disaster struck before  election day?  It could easily happen. Obama’s chance of being elected would be that of a snowball in hell.  The movement to the left has been ongoing  for a long time. The left is counting on a socialist world. To Marxists, socialists, revolutionaries, or what have you, we know that  a few hundred thousand lives are worth taking to save the cause.  What if an American city were wiped out?  It is entirely possible. We’ve enemies that would do this if they thought it would further their cause.   Are the American people prepared?  Obama could declare martial law. He could call off the election.  


What would the American people do to counter such a move?  Would they be in such a state of shock that they would do nothing? I discovered that I’m inextricably connected with the universe.  Since my singular action, miracles have never ceased.  A change is coming and there is no stopping it. Look within. There is nothing to fear.  The universe always wins.


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  • I want liberty for our country and get as far away from big government control as we possibly can.  I want freedom back for America, not big sis or Obama breathing down my throat.

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