Military Drones fly at approximately 285 mph, they have heat seeking capability and IR, the model that the O regime is using on the American people the MQ-9 B Predator Drone has a .40 cal, full auto on full turret, hell fire missile's, it can carry chem weapons as well, it has one blind side the tale end at a 45 degree angle from the ground, it has a IR ultra high resolution camera under the front nose bottom of air craft which is used to spy and also used to fly aircraft, these air craft can bank a turn in a split second, it fly's very silent making it's presence hard to detect, they also use air waves, or satellite signal to control this air craft better known as mega hurtz, think our military wont use deadly force on us please go to link listed here and read: Dakota-farm- family-stealing-6-cows.html, This is offered as information, for information is the key to success in the right hands!
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