Murfreesboro City Election.

Murfreesboro City Election.


Please forward to friends who can vote in the city election. 

It’s time to take our City back from the control of special interest groups who use our City government for their personal benefit.  The Small Business Alliance of Rutherford County (SBARC) would like you to consider the following candidates for City Council: Danny Brandon, Ricky Turner, and Eddie Smotherman.  More information on these candidates is posted at:


Early voting  will be March 28,29,30,31, April 2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12. At the County Election Office on the Murfreesboro Square South; County Election Annex 426 E. Vine St.; Murfreesboro Spots Com 2310 Memorial Blvd.; Blackman Elementary School 586 Fortress Blvd. Hours are 10am-5pm Mon-Fri., 8am-12noon Saturdays except at the Election Office on the Square 7am-7pm Mon-Fri. 8am-12 noon Saturday.

Regular voting will be at your regular precinct April 17 7am-7pm.


All governments have become obsessed with micromanaging every facet of our lives. In order to reverse this trend we invite you to join the Small Business Alliance of Rutherford County as a small business owner or a friend of small business.

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