Muslim pretend to be 9/11 victims via Chevy Ads, expect this to be mantra for radical extremists (terrorists). TPF
After Schlussel Inquiry, Chevy Dealers Drop “Muslims Are the Real Victims” 9/11 Ad; CBS Detroit Created False “Ad”
CBS Radio Detroit has chosen to portray 9/11 as an attack on Muslims across America, and now the propaganda “ads” for this absurdity have lost a sponsor, Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers, because I called and asked around about the ad in preparation for this article. This is the same CBS Detroit, which is about to launch a “conservative” talk radio station (with a known liberal as its morning host). They apparently think conservatives are a gullible bunch. And maybe they are. Time and the ratings will tell.
Memo for CBS Radio Detroit’s Deb Kenyon: Muslims Were the PERPETRATORS of 9/11, NOT the “Victims;” Stop Broadcasting Propaganda & Lies Disguised as “Public Service Announcements”
(Thanks to Reader “Doda McCheesle” for the Graphic)
For the last several days, all CBS radio stations in Detroit (including the highly rated WWJ-950 AM) have been running a “public service announcement,” which says Muslims are “the real victims” of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks on America, not the 3,000 Americans murdered BY Muslims. The ad says it is sponsored by Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers and urges listeners to come to local Chevy Dealerships to get a “lantern” to light on 9/11 to honor the Muslim victims. In the ad, an unidentified Muslim woman tells us how Muslim religious schools around the country have to be repeatedly evacuated because of bomb threats and how Muslims constantly live in fear of Americans.
The ad is a lie. In fact, Muslim schools were not repeatedly evacuated because of bomb threats and Muslims do not live in fear. Reality Check: report after report notes that Muslim Schools in America are where hate is taught, where perpetrators are created, NOT victims. There hasn’t been the backlash they claim, and instead, we’ve bent over backward for Muslims. The Bush administration set up a special division of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Office, just to go after Americans who allegedly commit “hate crimes” against Muslims, and it has prosecuted Americans for merely exercising free speech rights. And we’ve increased Muslim immigration significantly.
Today, I contacted both CBS Radio Detroit and Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers, who confirmed that CBS Radio created a public service announcement to remember the victims of 9/11. But none of the Chevy Dealers, including their advertising agent, had ever heard the ad, which was created by CBS Radio Detroit group chief, Deb Kenyon to honor a current Detroit Muslim employee she declined to name, as a victim of 9/11. Chevy dealers I spoke with were entirely unaware of the ad and flabbergasted that their dealerships were associated with this outrageous ad (except dealer Mike Savoie, a wimp who refused to comment–might upset his Muslim clients?). They wanted people to come to their dealerships to remember the 3,000 Americans who were murdered. After a long discussion in which she initially told me that “everyone is entitled to their opinion in America” in the public service announcement, Barb Mozer, of Mozer Media, which places ads for Metro Chevy Dealers, told me, this afternoon, that the Chevy Dealers would be pulling the ad.
But the ad might continue anyway, because CBS Radio Detroit chief Kenyon–who, again, is creating a new conservative talk radio station–personally created the disgusting ad with a Muslim employee and she’s very “proud” of it. Check out this e-mail discussion I had with Kenyon and let her know, if you live in Detroit, whether this will endear you to her new “conservative” talk station:
From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:07 PM
Subject: Deb, Questions Re- Your Offensive “Muslims Are the Victims of 9/11″ Ads . . .
To: “Kenyon, Debbie” Debbie.Kenyon@cbsradio.comDeb:
I’m writing to ask about the very offensive “Muslims were the real victims of 9/11″ PSAs that are running throughout the Detroit CBS radio group. As you know or should know, the ad features the voice of an alleged Muslim woman claiming that Muslims are the real victims of 9/11 because allegedly, Islamic school were evacuated repeatedly since 9/11 (something that isn’t documented anywhere as the ad admits because it just didn’t happen), and because Muslims “have been forced to live in fear” ever since. The ad then asks people to go to metro Detroit Chevy dealers and ask for a peace lantern to light up on 9/11. The ad is outrageous, and if I had a show on your station, I would run this ad and then rant and rave about it to your listeners.I understand from your WWJ Sales manager, Bruce Stoller, who has not heard the ads, and from other officials I spoke to today at WWJ, that this highly disturbing ad was your idea, and that you wanted to do this to “reach out to the victims of 9/11 ten years later.” HUH? Deb, 3,000 AMERICANS–not Muslims–were murdered because they are Americans. 19 MUSLIMS were the PERPETRATORS. This is how you reach out to victims??? PUH-LEEZE. Bruce Stoller said that you not only dreamed up the ad and the idea of the lanterns, but that you approached the Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers to sponsor the ad. What were you thinking? I’m now going to write about this and urge people to boycott the Chevy dealers over this, so you just hurt your advertiser by pulling them into disgusting political correctness.
Why did you do this, Deb? Is it the position of CBS radio that Muslims are the real victims of 9/11? If not, why the heck are you running this ad? Why did you approach advertisers and get them in on this absurd, liberal, PC message? And yet you are running a “conservative” radio station? Hilarious. You must think conservative listeners are very gullible.
Looking forward to your response.
Debbie Schlussel
Here’s her response, and you should note that despite her claims, I’ve repeatedly heard this “Muslims are the victims of 9/11″ spot and no others regarding 9/11. Even if there were others (and there aren’t–this one ran frequently), would we let Nazis cut spots about the 10th anniversary of World War II? Apparently, CBS Radio Detroit boss Deb Kenyon would. (She copied Dom Theodore, a consultant to Glenn Beck, and the program director of the new “conservative” talk radio, on her response. He’s the one who picked a liberal to host the only local show on the station, the morning show.)
From: Kenyon, Debbie
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:57 PM
Subject: RE: Deb, Questions Re- Your Offensive “Muslims Are the Victims of 9/11″ Ads . . .
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.comThis is a personal story by one of our employees. We are asking our listeners, clients and staf,f [DS: sic] if they choose, to cut a 9/11 remembrance spot. The 9/11 concept was my idea and I am proud of the message we are sending at CBS Radio Detroit.
Well, she’s got the “story” part right. There’s no truth in anything the Muslima said in the PSA. It’s all lies. There’s nothing “personal” about it. It presents absolute falsehoods she didn’t personally experience (because they never occurred) as “fact.”
My responses:
From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: Deb, Questions Re- Your Offensive “Muslims Are the Victims of 9/11″ Ads . . .
To: “Kenyon, Debbie” Debbie.Kenyon@cbsradio.comDeb:
It can’t possibly be a personal story b/c she says that Muslim schools around the country were repeatedly evacuated due to bomb threats. That simply NEVER happened–not anywhere else, and NOT in Detroit. It’s a lie. You are lying to your listeners and invoking your advertiser, Chevy Dealers, in the lie. She also says that Muslims lived in fear after 9/11, as if the rest of us Americans are bigots who ran to kill them. Sorry, but again, that backlash just didn’t happen. There is only one such case–in which people murdered a Sikh gas station owner in Arizona. On the contrary, we bent over backward for Muslims in so many ways since 9/11, the list would circle the moon. Who is the person who told these lies in this ad which is running repeatedly on your stations and why are you shielding her identity and giving her airtime to lie?Essentially, you are proud of saying that Muslims are the real victims of 9/11, not the perpetrators. And that 3,000 Americans who died then are not the victims, but Muslims are? I’ve started calling Chevy dealer owners in Detroit who know nothing about this ad, and they are flabbergasted. The ad is disgusting. Again, you must think that conservatives–and other Americans–are very gullible. Sad, very sad. My cousin was murdered in the towers, and I doubt you could face his family after playing that sickening ad for them.
From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:10 PM
Subject: PS: Deb, Questions Re- Your Offensive “Muslims Are the Victims of 9/11″ Ads . . .
To: “Kenyon, Debbie” Debbie.Kenyon@cbsradio.comPS, Deb:
Since you say this is a “personal story” by your employee, have you gotten her to name a single Muslim school in Detroit which was “evacuated repeatedly” as she claims in the ad? Can you provide the name of the school and documentation? Of course, not. Because it NEVER happened. You are lying to your listeners.
Of course, Kenyon did not respond, nor would she name the employee or any Detroit Muslim school allegedly “repeatedly evacuated because of bomb threats after 9/11.” It never happened.
But now you know how reliable the information you get from CBS radio is: they shill for jihad in “honor” of the “victims” of 9/11.
BTW, I don’t believe we’re getting the full story here. One of CBS Radio Detroit’s biggest advertisers is Yahya Basha, a Syrian Muslim doctor who does breast exams and who has been cited by the FDA in a warning letter. (Get your breasts checked there at your own risk . . . if you’re a moron.) He was on the board of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and headed the American Muslim Council until it was shut down by the federal government for fundraising for HAMAS and for its executive director’s planned murder plot on then-Saudi Crown Prince Abdulllah, after being paid to do the job by Muammar Qaddafi. Basha recently settled a lawsuit after he fired his General Counsel after he learned that she was married, had children, and was a Jew. Basha (who is a Republican and who frequently met with President Bush) is an extremist and he pays CBS Radio Detroit big bucks. Cha-ching!