The following has been laying heavily on my mind for several weeks now.
Obama's delayed and useless response in regards the cowardly attacks and murdering of 4 Americans in Libya is evidence of his anti-American attitude and his self-centered and campaign-ladened rhetoric in the face of emboldened enemies of America. His first reaction was to criticize Romney who came forth immediately and, in a presidential manner, decrying the obvious organized manner in which Islamic terrorists were finding revenge for Obama's policies. 18 hours later after Obama's minions tried to blame it all on a video, Obama comes out of the WH trailed by the State Department head, and in a most monotonous intonation in his voice, then condemns the attacks not admitting its radical terrorist ties. There was not a hint of anger and powerful resolve. There was the usual condemnation speech, given many times in the last 4 years, thoroughly expected by this weak and appeasing individual. Not one American could be proud of such an absolutely ineffective response to a long term growing Islamic disgust for American lives.
I am so angry and full of ill feelings for what I believe wantoned disregard for America by an apologetic Obama and an administration bent on derision and division of America through class, gender, sexual orientation, religion and race. My ire is also directed at the media who has taken this despicable attack of America and fashioned it into a campaign aimed at denigration of Obama's opponent. Yes, it has been expected the media to parade its ill conceived lust for Obama in this campaign, but to rally around his toothless rhetoric in the face of multiple terrorist attacks upon America, is incomprehensible and down dastardly.
How, at this time, can there be anyone who has any confidence in this man as the leader of our country? It is inconceivable that Obama can not bring it upon himself to shake off his unrealistic ideology for even a short period of time to illustrate to the world that America will not put up with any more lunacy from fanatic religious zealots.
For those of you who continue to support Obama just because of his skin color or likability, you are allowing America to be destroyed from within and now without. Your misguided and misinformed opinions have been fueled by lies and misleading speeches as well as by a media who hides every flaw and inadequacy of Obama.
If you vote for this administration to continue its deluge of derision, fiscal and foreign policy irresponsibility, history will ask those who come after us, "What idiocy among Americans allowed the demise of the greatest democratic system in the world?"
It is such a shame that America may come to its knees by its own foolish and gullible citizens.
Obama's delayed and useless response in regards the cowardly attacks and murdering of 4 Americans in Libya is evidence of his anti-American attitude and his self-centered and campaign-ladened rhetoric in the face of emboldened enemies of America. His first reaction was to criticize Romney who came forth immediately and, in a presidential manner, decrying the obvious organized manner in which Islamic terrorists were finding revenge for Obama's policies. 18 hours later after Obama's minions tried to blame it all on a video, Obama comes out of the WH trailed by the State Department head, and in a most monotonous intonation in his voice, then condemns the attacks not admitting its radical terrorist ties. There was not a hint of anger and powerful resolve. There was the usual condemnation speech, given many times in the last 4 years, thoroughly expected by this weak and appeasing individual. Not one American could be proud of such an absolutely ineffective response to a long term growing Islamic disgust for American lives.