Americans don't come in one color.
We do, however, come in one culture.
My American sisters and brothers come in all colors. As the latest waves of Arab hatred wash against our embassies it's worth noting the ties that bind.
Making peace with America creates this close bond. I made peace with American bias by acknowledging American beauty in all its individual glory!
I have great-great grandfathers who founded America and obviously ones brought here against their will.
Some were already on scene when English colonists arrived while others came afterward.
Abraham Lincoln; Jefferson Davis; Ulysses Grant and Robert E Lee- my family once waged a war between its own states and bloodily amended the constitution.
My great-grand fathers include legends like Theodore Roosevelt; Booker T Washington; Frederick Douglass; etc.
Great-grand mothers Soljourner Truth and Harriet Tubman set the standard for courage and still inspire generations.
Admired grand fathers include Paul Robeson; Jackie Robinson; Jesse Owens; Dr King; Medgar Evers; Charlton Heston; George Patton; Douglas MacArthur; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; A. Phillip Randolph; Van Scott; William Holden; Charles Hamilton Huston; Thurgood Marshall; James Farmer; Don King; Arther Fletcher; Jack Kemp etc.
President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are also brothers of mine. Obviously my family has many branches!
Recently my sister Nikki Haley became governor of South Carolina; along side brother Bobby Jindal, Louisiana's governor.
My brother Marco Rubio is a US Senator in Florida while brother Jack Kingston is the Congressman for my hometown.
Speaking of my hometown my big brother Floyd Adams was her first Black mayor and my other local big brother Clarence Thomas sits on the US Supreme Court.
Notable big brothers Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X have special places in my heart alongside Arthur Ashe and Dick Gregory.
New family members Sonnie Johnson; Shamara " Shay " Riley; Lenny McAllister; Chris Arps; " CC " ( you know who you are ); Jeff Crouere; Denny Shafer and K. Carl Smith tirelessly promote what's best about ourselves in these trying times!
God bless unnamed American sisters and brothers wearing badges and serving in either military or other government service.
I ask a special blessing for the families of my late brother Ambassador Chris Stevens and his three coworkers recently killed overseas simply because they were Americans.
Brother Chris body was dragged through the streets where he died serving his country. You don't do that to a member of my American family and not expect justice in return.
Some people despise us simply because we exist. Faced with such homicidal hatred should that make partisan or other squabbles seem even more petty?
My family is America... and sometimes we don't get along. At times like these distant enemies remind us that, like it or not, we're all we have!
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
Help the Cap Black Help-Fund. Help me help others!
Make Peace With America Bros! please " like " my Cap Black, The Hood Conservative Face Book Page!
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@al pambuena: Then we fight on until your children and grand children come of age and replace us. I won't sugar coat things the Left has all but conquered the Black community as the beachhead/spring board for their desired take over of the rest of America. There is rising opposition to the Left by black moderates and conservatives and they, united with moderates and conservatives of all races, can eclipse the sun tanned socialism that has nearly captured the Black community.
Things look bleak now, but how about during the Revolutionary War? or the Civil War? or World Wars I & II? The long Cold War with the former Soviet Union?
Let's stay prayerful and purposeful to do our duty until God relives us of it!
America WILL prevail!
no more apologies, no more mr. nice guy appeasements...and no more trying to get along......the white house, the socialist, and all the other blood sucking libs wanted this war, so now they have it...soon the ballot box, the next day, and into the future, we will be every where....we are getting stonger, wiser, and even more patriotic....i have already sat down with my kids and grandkids, and told them a war is here, and unfortuanetly they are flat stuck in the middle of it..maybe us freedom fighters did not try hard enough 20 and 30 years ago, maybe we tried to be too nice, maybe we just got too fat and lazy, and dropped the ball...anyway, this is where we are today..and now we have to deal with obama, reid and pelosi, and all the rest of you socialist will be a long hard fight, and to tell you the gods honest truth, i dont really give a crap if romney wins or not, because wether he does or does not, the war will still be here, and the war will still go on.
Just so we're clear: This post was intended to show how great our country is- so great and so merciful that even treasonous spokes people are allowed to air their views without summary execution. it was written in the spirit of Agape Love and the old saying, " I may disgaree with what you say but I defend with my life your right to say it. "
Obama & the socialist Left are a travesty. I try not to fixate upon how much I truly DESPISE their disregard for all I hold dear. I try to take that energy to energize good Americans who frankly think there's no hope or boost up those who are fighting the Good Fight despite a " filth " ( not " fifth " lol ) column in academia; media and government.
I'm far from a commie coddler or luke warm patriot. I simply chose in this post to taking the highest road possible and include them ina family their ideology and actions suggest otherwise.
The good news of America is her greatness converts even her most wayward, disloyal children.
All we have to do is keep shedding the light of liberty no matter how how dim the Left make things.
We will prevail through faith; hope and charity.
I pity socialists because all they have are lies; intimidation and brute force to rely on.
We have God; a Constitution and decent people who won't sink to the blind hatred of our enemies.
I know we can change people's thinking about America. In my small way I do so daily deep in the bowels of a community owned lock, stock and barrel by misguided liberals and sun tanned socialists controlling the Black community.
My goal is to rehabilitate- not retaliate against them. It can be hard because they enrage me but I know rage may not be my best weapon in this case.
I stand side by side with you brothers, NEVER forget that.
Your arguments for Paul Robeson are not unlike those of "citizens" who, while molesting children, want more school crossing guards to assure the children's safety. I'm not accusing you of being a pedophile, but I do wish that you would reconsider. There were Americans who supported Adolph Hitler who were against "Kaiser Bill" during "The Great War". And so on. One cannot be considered to be "American" unless he carries the thoughts and goals of The Founders to the grave; Robeson died firmly believing that America was bad and that the communists' philosophy was correct.
He is in Hell.
This is a clear and present danger that you are sugarcoating here.
As Americans, we do uphold the Constitution that glues us all together ... Obama, Pelosi, Clintons and others are doing all they can to destroy it, and this country.
Constitution demands that these traitors and others guilty of sedition and treason be tried and hung ... have we gotten so soft we "overlook" that fact and coddle our enemies? Apparently, there are some conservative patriots here who are indeed infected by the liberal virus and gone soft!
Our country has no hope if what is seen here is representative of what the "patriots" are today!
Have we gotten so soft we "overlook" the fact it is exactly what Obama, Pelosi, Boehner and others are doing to this country? If what is seen here is representative of what the "patriots" are today, our country has no hope!
We need to forget ALL differencess and yust be AMERICANS!!!!
sorry ... he just isn't a citizen, and has no intention of being a part of the American society and is doing all he can to drill holes in the boat you are trying to keep afloat. And he is getting others to drill, too! He's a deceiver and apparently he had got some in here fooled, too.
@Roy Otterman: I feel you on your views about Obama but as a patriot I try to take the high road. He represents a part of our American Family that has heeded foreign whisperers & domestic crazies because they feel the country has let them down. If have to embrace them and bring them back into the fold- no matter how much they irk or even disgust us!
@richard Slater: GREAT nieghborhood!
@Ed Watts: Robeson was an great anti-Facist during WW II. His romance with the Soviet Union was very troubling but on balance his support of the war against the AXIS and civil rights record should be noted. I always figured Jim Crow had caused him to mistakenly look to the Soviets as a non-racist society.
@Grace Polais: If we dont love America then we lose- PERIOD. We may have arrived here in different ships but we're ALL in the SAME boat now & it's going under unless we pitch in together!
I am an American, even tho I have ancestry from so many lines ... I just don't agree ... "President Obama" is not an American, but an illegal enemy agent usurper, and is no brother of mine or of any American.