What do all of these blogs tell us? Put them all together and they paint an in-depth picture that is clear as can be. There is a reason for everything, including a reason for man—an eternal reason. We need to understand this and pass it on to our representatives, many of whom are confused.
Over the ages, we’ve developed many doctrines, dogmas, and customs, not one of which works to bring about a world at peace, in fact, to the contrary. The history of man defies reason fundamental to the law.
America’s Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution, which said in so many words that all men are created equal, and out of expedience—for the good of all—our Founding Fathers excluded black people. (It was for the good of the South’s economy.) Thus, we denied from the beginning that we were created with reason fundamental to the laws of nature. It’s a terrible mistake. Out of expedience, we place ourselves above the higher laws of nature. An example is George Soros, a man driven by wealth and power. An example is Barack Obama, a man driven by wealth and power. This cool cat President says the Constitution is flawed and he is here to transform America. The young and inexperienced and the weak and meek love it. These two wolves in sheep’s clothing are representative of a long line of power-driven Americans who have proceeded to turn our Constitution, or I should say, my Constitution into a travesty of justice.
Others don’t have a problem with the drastic change taking place. The Constitution is now whatever the vogue is and which groups control the law. If the vote were to say rape and robbery were legal, so be it. We are heading for a money crises followed by a judicial dictatorship on a par with Nazi Germany’s judiciary. Nazi stands for National Socialist Party. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what is in store for the American people. Freedom is up for grabs. America is spinning the wheel of fortune.
Should we get right with the control? The name for what is taking place is “progressive.” Black’s Law Dictionary, under lawful: “The principal distinction between the terms ‘lawful’ and ‘legal’ is that the former contemplates the substance of law, the latter the form of law.” What is the substance of law? Black’s: “To say of an act that it is ‘lawful’ implies that it is authorized, sanctioned, or at any rate not forbidden.” What is legal? Black’s: “To say that it is ‘legal’ implies that it is done or performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. . . A further distinction is that the word ‘legal’ is used as a synonym of ‘constructive,’ which ‘lawful’ is not. Thus ‘legal fraud’ is fraud implied or inferred by law, or made out by construction. ‘Lawful fraud’ would be a contradiction of terms. Again, ‘legal’ is used as the antithesis of ‘equitable.’ “ Therefore, by definition, Obamacare is the antithesis of equitable, as well as everything else Obama proposes. Obama is, by Black’s definition, lawless, of course because he is a Harvard educated lawyer.
Let us ask Harvard’s Marxist teachers of the law, the bomb throwers, Obama’s teachers, which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Authorities create the problem and the remedies, which further complicate the problem: lust for power and control. It’s the law of the jungle, the law before man’s gift, reason and logic. Hitler was legal. Harvard teaches Nazi justice, in nature, animal, the law of the jungle—might makes right—and the same for progressive government. The real definition is total control of your life, and death if you dare to make waves. The sword of Damocles hangs by a thread over America.
It is high time to stand and be counted. America’s law has been twisted and distorted by wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Tea Party is the reaction. It is essential that we know the reason for the current demise of fundamental rights, and pass on to our representatives the reason and logic of bringing our Constitution back in its original form.
After creating heaven and earth, and all other life, God created man and said, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen.1:26). “In earth as it is in heaven,” from the Lord’s Prayer, think of the real meaning. The progressive order of the universe which links together the ages, and the increasing purpose from the beginning of man to eternity, millions of people have seen UFOs. There is growing belief that we are not the only intelligent life in the universe. Furthermore, the universe is more than time and space. We have reached the threshold of a quantum leap, leaving the Age of Pisces, whose sign is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, entering the Age of Aquarius, whose sign is the water-bearer. Our corrupt, self-serving authorities are hiding physical evidence. The United States was born under the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood and spiritual awakening is an omen.
With the world’s authorities leading our world to destruction, in Astrologer’s Handbook we read (under Saturn trine Pluto) that I’m able to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. We read that I’m able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in mine and others lives. Is mine the luck of the draw? It hasn’t mattered what is going on in the world. From the depth of despair, by looking within for answers, I’ve progressed to the time when all of my dreams have come true.