My Hardhearted Ways---Mr. Davidson Concurs

With a heavy hard-hearted heart, I must announce a complete breech of civilized protocol on my part with David Davidson, seconded by Mini Mee.  Apparently great insult and insular conduct unbecoming a rational human being has been commited on my part concerning certain questions asked on a previous post pertaining to the TEA Party movement, as apparently Mr. Davidson was quite hungry for information about this movement before he considered joining.  I urgently appeal to all here to view my reply to Mr. Davidson and Mini Mee, and please review his post also.  Perhaps someone here can persuade him to not leave, as we're not as vile and hateful as we must appear to be, according to his accounts of "actual" TEA Party activities, the very ones he has questions about.

     So I appeal to the decency of this membership for mercy and forgiveness for my hard-hearted ways, and will accept any chastisement and rebuke as I may be judged to deserve.  It's entirely possible I need re-education and enlightenment.

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  • I may not be your typical Tea Party member but I am NOT a plant.  Please read my blogs and discussions.  I have a coach's mentality.  Win The Game.  The Game is November 2012.  Impeachment on social issues is a lose lose propostion.  In plain speak ain't happenin'.  In your defense, that Davidson dude did come off like an investigative reporter. If it walks like a duck and quacks like one.  Well you know.  I offer first hand experience and knowledge to the table.  I know how the Dark Side works.  Liberals/Socialists and ethics are like oil and water.  Godless Communists fear no after life punishment.  Most Muslims believe in a rewarding after life if they follow Islam to the core believing non Islamics have 3 options.  Convert to Islam, be a slave, be killed. I choose option 4.  God vs Allah.  A war I believe that eventually will have to be fought. The sooner the better the Muslim population is growing rapidly by birth and conversions.  The Birther Issue is moot.  Won't be proven either way.  Never can impeach on it. Trust Me.  Another lose lose propositon.  What has me concerned is Obama's Indonesian Muslim school years ages 9 thru 13.  Molding his mind then his college years under extreme liberal, Socialist, Commie teachers and his Commie Mommy and grandparents who sent him to proven FBI file Commie Franklin Davis to be mentored.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
  • There are operatives that want to spin issues.  Operatives will plant the seed of despair and encourage people to leave.  I for one do not believe we should surrender such hard fought victories.  We are here and let's not allow petty issues weaken our resolve to restore our nation.  Truth is often elusive to the fool, and the wise person must work diligently to acquire wisdom.


    I've decided long ago that I will not give up the fight, but I will also not allow my passion to get the best of me.  It is like playing poker, he who reveals his hand first loses.  If we lose control we surrender our liberty.  I've not exhausted all avenues as of yet to reveal my hand.  However, I believe we are winning the war.  The numbers are with us. 


    They are losing (their minds) and have lost any ability to reason.  Until they take up arms against us, I say hold your fire.  However, I say prepare your aresnal (reason) and take aim.   "A dog is cunning may respond in rage and each time must be driven back again.  It is when survival is in jeaparody (reason is lost) that it may be necessary to put the beast out of its misery". - Dale   


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