My Miracle Message


In Numerology and The Divine Triangle, we read, “7 as the Path of Destiny number: Your depth of character and seriousness destine you to be a teacher of ethics.  You psychically separate the true from the false….In ancient days, those born under 7 were placed in the temple to become priests or priestesses because all were aware of mental powers.” Numerology gives me 7 as my path of destiny number.

On my astrological chart, Saturn is trine Pluto. In Astrologer’s Handbook, “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized….Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.” None of this stuff applies unless or until you get in touch with your most elusive inner self.  Religious and secular orthodoxies don’t encourage it, naturally, because it requires the one-suit-fits-all approach to control society. Jesus was crucified for not going along with the one-suit-fits-all approach.

A miracle is something we can’t explain, something beyond human understanding—like flying jetliners into the World Trade Center as a lesson to mankind.  It was Allah’s work.  

As opposed to Sharia law, it is implied in America’s Constitution that we were created to be self-governed, but since the year one, rather than reason and logic, animal passion has dominated man’s thinking.  

I’ve audaciously named my Web site  My miraculous life began with my departure from my old path-of-least-resistance life, the life the orthodoxy planned for me.

Incidentally, my miraculous life began with my departure from my old life on Good Friday 1975.  At the time, Jesus was not in my thoughts at all.  I left my North Texas home and arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life.   There have been other such signs in my new life. Speaking of THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES IN FAITH PECULIAR TO THEIR OWN INTERPRETATIONS OF THEIR LIFE EXPERIENCES AS RELATES TO THE TEACHING OF CHRIST, my plan on Easter Sunday 1975 was to buy a live-aboard sailboat and sail the South Atlantic for a couple of years, to try to get my ruined life back in order. During my time as sea, a couple of miracles occurred, and continued after I left my life at sea.   

It was not until I’d spent years writing my memoirs that events connected and I realized Jesus’ spirit was involved.  I’m certain my Creator expects me, rather than to live by emotions, to live by reason and logic.  Miracles by reason and logic, how can that be? Miracles surpass all known human powers. It takes an authority on miracles to say something is a miracle. Only the clergy qualifies to call something a miracle.  Allah’s vicars have claimed the destruction of the World Trade Center was one of Allah’s miracles. They say that the Unapproachable Most Great Name of Allah will produce enhanced abilities that bring the world a new order. One could live in voluntary association with other individuals were it not for the world’s control freaks.


I’m a disabled World War II veteran. My heath care is paid for by the taxpayers. Disabled veteran health care costs the taxpayers tens of billions of dollars.  By reason and logic, I’ve learned to cure myself.  Think what it would mean if everyone learned the same.

I go to Portland’s veteran hospital for my health care. It is a very busy place. The busiest department of all is dermatology.  Aging veterans are prone to skin cancer. For at least twenty years, I went to dermatologists regularly to have precancerous skin growths removed by burning them with liquid nitrogen.  I’ve had a dozen or more skin cancers surgically removed.  

Burning a potential skin cancer created a sore that my brain wanted to cure.  Those scaly skin growths had no feeling. My brain didn’t recognize that these were abnormal cells. I dug my fingernail into one of those small scaly places and felt a sharp stinging sensation.  My brain knew it for a sore that needed attention.  I kept at the fingernail process and rid myself of everyone of those scaly places, and not only that, discovered stingy places that had not yet become scaly spots.  At my next dermatologist appointment at the veteran’s hospital, the doctor could not find one spot to burn. That was the end of my regular appointments.  

Michelle Obama will not be pleased to know this, nor will the medical profession, nor will the clergy, the authorities on miracles.  All but the cutting edge of science will not like this. All will say there is no evidence in support. The public will believe recognized authorities and continue to pay tens of billions of dollars in taxes so that recognized authorities can remain in control.  

The skin on my arms was dead and flaking. All the hair had disappeared.  I decided to use my stiff bristled back brush on my arms. After a few weeks of scrubbing my arms with the brush, all the flaking ceased and hair grew back.  I’ve had six skin cancers surgically removed on my left arm and hand and two on my right hand.  Since the brush treatment, starting two years ago, no skin cancers have appeared.

My hair was dry and fine. I couldn’t keep it in place. I was getting sores on my scalp. I started vigorously messaging my scalp when I shampooed my hair. My hair has its vitality back and stays in place. No more sores have appeared on my scalp. 

My dream was for many years was a retirement home in the woods.  That dream has come true. These last years of my life are the best.  In review, there have been many signs of Jesus being spiritually present. When I was forty-nine, I came to a jumping off place. Blaming it on the government, I studied constitutional law. It was voices of the past speaking. I had a bigger than life calling. Unknown to me at the time, this was when Jesus’ spirit entered my life. 

As far as I know, no other life form in the universe possesses reason and logic, which is fundamental to man’s law.

When you observe what is going on in today’s world, know that we have no idea of the power that dwells within us.  The Bible says, “And God said, Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26), and made a distinction in man and animal, and “God created man in his own  image” (Genesis 1:27).  What did that mean?  Reason and logic says it was meant that we live by our intelligence, not our emotions. 

Notwithstanding  the “Unapproachable Most Great Name of Allah,” what does it mean when a politician says his opposition wants dirty air and polluted water; wants to push grandma over a cliff, refers to greedy capitalists and collective salvation?  What does it mean when God’s messengers say you can buy your way into heaven, and Allah’s messengers say you can sacrifice your life to kill your enemy and go to paradise?  It means many remain beasts.  

Living by my intelligence has empowered me. I go into great detail in my book of memoirs, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012: an explanation for the underlying mechanism of creation.  My publisher sent me a final proof.  I’ve found mistakes and some thoughts that are not quite clear.  I hope to have my message published by July.


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