All the world wide turmoil over the so call violations to the muslim prophet on the internet/you tube , just might be a ploy to allow the UN or New World Government a chance to make/force new "TREATIES or LAWS" upon Americans. It is apparent that evil in the world cannot accept our Constitutional Rights of free speech and/or condone that we speak out against injustice, murderers and tyrants , they cannot stand that our freedom of speech spreads CHRISTIANITY around the world.
I notice they want us to believe our Muslim President Obama is now hated by are enemies.
However I am convinced that he is very much the enemy of this nation, responsible for the deaths of our Ambassadors, representatives, soldiers, and innocent Americans world wide --- too many deaths followed by unwarranted apologies for US actions and positions, and further followed by Whitehouse actions to disarm our military, with more displayed actions against our soldiers and little regard for their safety or any other Americans.
It is more likely that we have a "TRAITOR in the HIGHEST OFFICE of the United States of America. As our PRESIDENT and COMMANDER and CHIEF" says one thing and does the opposite, while quietly making some 900 new laws that allow him to declare martial law upon this country. A "TRAITOR" that is doing everything possible to destroy our economy, undermine our Constitutional Rights , as he shows us that he is more than willing to sacrifice our lives as he plans to tax us into oblivion. He says and believes we should pay dearly---how high a price we have yet to find out--but if he gets in for another four years -- I am sure he has plans for our country to suffer much much more.
Our constitutional rights will become obsolete as "NEW TREATIES" will allow the empowerment of a WORLD GOVERNMENT with authority to "ARREST, JAIL, FINE, TAX and CONFISCATE" everything Americans have. all in the disguise of "WORLD ORDER" and a safe and clean planet.
Just cannot decipher whether both parties in this country are controlled by the same off shore money mongers with the same goal in mind.
Just My Opinion
The word I got from a friend in Israel is on RED ALERT and have called for the reserves to report in....
Robert C., you forgot Sarah Palin.
Also, I got this from a friend who is very aware of what is going on in the world and in military circles. Let's pray that our men in uniform remember who they work for. Most people think that those in our three branches of government are the government. They are not. We are the government. Remember "of the people, by the people, for the people"? Those in the three branches of government are "Representatives". They have no more power than we give them. People have forgot this apparently but they best remember it soon cause we may soon have to replace these representatives. The below is probably why Obama has refused to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel this week.
we the people,who are the real government,i call on the nra wayne you have 4 or 5 million members,to aarp/amac/john birch society,all militas,all freedom loving,god fearing american veternas/citizens.time to communicate/prepare/focus/plan/refine plan,the un building would be a great place to gather,no not a revolution,a giant freedom EVOLUTION a process of gradual peaceful,change or development,the un building would be a great EVOLUTION of we the people.god bless ron paul,sheriff joe and cold case posse,ambassador stevens and family,brian terry and family,chuck norris,frank serpico,and all american veternas/ nation under god
There are several Puppet Masters involved, each with their own agenda.. Political power, NWO, Depopulation, Social Equality, Wealth redistribution, etc....
The Puppet Masters have a Master Manipulator... Satan. Whether you believe he is a man, a god, or an archetypal lifestyle, he is real. And no matter what he is, He must be fought.
Unfortunately, most people do not realize the nature of the beast. America was NOT founded on greed. The Mafia was founded on greed; America was founded on Industry, Thrift, Integrity and Liberty. Pray and work for the restoration of these qualities, or you might as well live with the stench of BO another 1000 years,
IMHO , Do we let this tyrant back in office or do we try to remove him. We may have some rocky roads to travel to reclaim Our Country. There are so many things he has done to try and destroy this country that we should have all the ammo we need to take him out of office. So If we let him proceed to the election, We must pray that we have enough people that have seen what he has done and will vote him out of office. If he is re-elected, then we have some really tough work ahead of us. Let us Pray to OUR GOD and let everyone know that we will not let Our Country go without a fight. GOD BLESS AMERICA...
Nancy Pelosi is responsible for Barry Obama---being in our White House. She too cannot be trusted.
Pelosi was the one to clear Obama to run for the office of president and Lord knows there was enough evidence on him that many things about him should have put a stop to his even being a Senator.
Our current president is implementing United Nations Agenda 21. Cap and Trade is a first stage step of testing the waters to formally begin to bring it on line.
The ultimate implementation of Agenda 21 is DEPOPULATION of EARTH and the FEMA camps along with a Decloration of Martial law are a large part of it. We can all thank the Bilderberg Group for this since they are the drivers.
I have wondered this for about 2 years and I want some responses people: If Obama is re-elected, how long will it take before there is another civil war in this land (not one about race or racial intolerance), but a war over independence, Our democracy, our Constitution, our bill of rights as well as out Declaration of independence, our way of life. How far are the American people willing to allow our freedoms to be violated and our rights be taken away and pulled into a hole that is too deep to climb out of before an action is taken to prevent it?
How could this happen to America BUT....better yet-- HOW COULD THIS HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN TO AMERICA BY ITS PEOPLE NO LESS? EVEN "THE NEEDY ENTITLED" MUST UNDERSTAND WHATS AT STAKE. There will SOON be no more entitlements because Mr. Obama will run out of resources to supply them for those seeking them and I don't think they, the 47% of entitled people in this country even stop to think about that FACT. America will be flat busted broke. tax everyone 100% WON"T EVEN HELP THERE WILL BE NOTHING AND OBAMA WON"T BE ABLE TO HELP THEM. Why put a president back in power who can't give them what they want. Better to work for what they need then try and get handouts. That's how you turn things around, through WORK, Not hand-outs
The drum beat is soft right now but it is beginning to be perceived by all. Read Danial 5 to understand. The handwriting IS on the wall......Our arrogant leader is to arrogant to take heed.
It is more than my opinion Ron. It is my belief.