The editor of the book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, is questioning me on my quaint sources of the law. Not surprisingly, he has other ideas. He has helped me a lot. I’m only too happy to respond with my unique answers.
For instance, in Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” Who said that? God didn’t write the Bible. Obviously, someone already here said that. Surely, you don’t think we are the only intelligent life in the universe. When I studied America’s Constitution, I imagined that voices of the past were speaking to me.
The Bible says we have dominion over all other life on the planet. That does not mean we should jeopardize or own existence for the sake of other life; make ourselves an endangered species. Obama and America’s environmentalists have closed much of the southern and northern borders of the United States to adequate law enforcement. They are phonies with an agenda—lawless renegades. Who is us? Ultimately, under whose law do we exit? Man didn’t make us. Why do we allow this? We don’t know who we are or why we are here.
Are we intelligent beasts—beasts with desire? Does might make right? I don’t think so. I’m no beast. I’m a human made in God’s image. I believe in America’s Constitution.
Is President Obama divinely blessed, to the extent that he is above America’s Constitution? Where are our representatives? They, too, must have an agenda. It is beyond our ability to understand. Science uses mathematics. Science has discovered that light waves collapse when observed. The collapsed waves become tiny packets of energy called photons. Photons are an aspect of matter—not yet reality. Photons travel through the optic nerve to the brain. The brain turns photons into the things we see. We are not aware of this but we make reality. Before observance—before things—the universe is infinite possibility. That makes us unique. We observe things no other life on the planet observes. Why don’t we believe what our reason and logic tells us? How can we ever be made into insect mentality? You know we can never be made into the image Obama and company imagines. Why would half of America be satisfied with Obama for a second term? It is fear of change, being forced to do for themselves, to cease looking to Obama for answers.
Science has finally recognized that before there can be anything there must be consciousness. Is my source, the cutting edge of science, without proof? The proof is in the pudding. It ties in with God making man in his image—and with our potential. If we use our exclusive human gift of reason and logic we make things happen. If we use other people’s gift, we are their slaves. This ties in with those who question me, and with those we empower, those wanting to replace God with themselves—by regulating us. It ties in with our stupidity for allowing it.
You can readily see that I’m controversial. You would naturally know who would question me—those who have vested much of their time and money in achieving their place in the sun. I’ve got nothing to lose. I’m just a bottom fish writing for other bottom fish.
Desire, wanting that which others have and you don’t comes from an inner feeling of inadequacy. It drives some of us to do something about it, others to resentment. These drives give us politicians who represent the successful and those who represent the unsuccessful. The Founding Fathers, knowing desire, designed a Constitution that balanced power.
Well and good, but there arise situations calling for compromise. In the South, the economy depended upon slavery. For the good of all—for defense—the Founding Fathers allowed for slavery. The Union needed the South for defense. Ironically, this expedience caused so much division in the American people that we finally went to war, the North against the South. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, gets credit for freeing America’s slaves.
During America’s Great Depression, there was danger of mass starvation in America. Roosevelt and the Democrats get credit for taking action. They changed the idea of government staying out of personal matters. They determined that government had the responsibility to see that people didn’t starve. They changed the Constitution to allow for individual grants in aid, later to be known as entitlements.
The expedience of government entitlement, originally to keep people from starvation, has grown until half of the American people depend on the other half. It has caused a division in America as great as the slavery issue. To add fuel to the fire, President Obama has now ignored the First Amendment in the Constitution, freedom of religion.
We’ve come a long way, baby. It is now decreed by Obama that we have a fundamental right to free contraceptives. In a strange twist, thought to be innocuous government mandated rights, said rights are coming ever closer to who should have the right to exist and who should not, not only in the womb, but all of us. We are getting more and more like Nazi Germany. I was there. I ought to know. I saw with my own eyes what the Nazis did. Their Obama-like desires to be supermen and eradicate lesser men reduced them to beasts.
Nazi Germany’s courts backed Hitler. Do we go on the seat-of-the-pants justice the courts give us or get personally involved? I got personally involved. American justice lost and I won. It’s all recorded. Do we want to be made into animals jumping through Obama’s hoops? My personal experience gives you a choice you will not get anywhere else.