It appears that 2011 is going to be a very active year, and quite naturally. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. On the nature of our being, science has now decided that without consciousness nothing could exist. Interesting. It took only a couple of years for a hundred million Tea Party members to be consciously aware that we’ve got little or no use for the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team. That, in and of itself, is an enormous change. It must be shattering to the above named.
What about those who worship the above mentioned threesome? First of all, they believe the U. S. Constitution needs to be interpreted in light of their needs; they don’t like it. Secondly, they single out the white male as racist, selfish and uncaring. Thirdly, and as a result of the white male racist, they are against racial profiling. It reminds me of Nazi Germany. The Nazis hated Jews. Revolutionaries always pick a scapegoat for their cause.
White males pieced together the U. S. Constitution. America, under the Constitution, became the most prosperous nation on earth, and under a free enterprise system, which, by the way, the enemies of the white male are against. Again, I’m Reminded of Nazi Germany. Nazi stands for National Socialist Germany.
The cause of forbidding racial profiling divides the haves from have-nots, and the revolutionaries who want to transform America. The haves makes revolutionaries a common cause with have-nots. Have-nots, as a general rule, have not strong wills and determination. They are the prey of control freaks. Control freaks don’t like prosperity, which goes with free enterprise. They like control and socialism, which goes with poverty. Therefore, the control freak’s objective is to promote poverty by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. So, let’s begin by getting the record straight. It is nonsense to think that taking from the rich and giving to the poor will help the poor. Pretty soon there will be no rich. It’s like killing the goose that laid golden eggs.
Nature gives the male a stronger body and a stronger will than the female. America’s government has done much to encourage the female will. Along with the encouragement, has come a much higher rate of divorce, the welfare state, higher taxes requiring two worker families, and as a result less personal responsibility. The bottom line is weaker wills on the part of both male and female, exactly what control freaks want.
You could not have guessed that I’m a white male. Both my wife and I allow an independent spirit, but no question about it, I’m the leader. That’s the only way it can be. This makes it imperative that I be fair minded. The proof is in the pudding. My wife complains that I never take her advice (an exaggeration), but both my wife and I think that life doesn’t get any better than ours.
It is quite natural that Obama, control freak that he is, would pick for the Supreme Court a Latino woman who said a Latino woman makes a better judge than a white male; he would pick for the Supreme Court a white woman who doesn’t buy the notion the we have God-given rights.
The Tea Party’s cause is to take back our God-given rights. Coincidentally, that’s what I want. But what do you expect from someone with Obama’s background? Look at who voted him into office. It was not white males. Obama and his judges believe in Obama rights. God help us if Obama’s women are going to be our judges. Again, I’m reminded of Nazi Germany. Nazi judges followed their leader.