Name Calling

Unfortunately, our world is divided between those who have right ideas about making this a better place to live and those who have wrong ideas, who prove themselves right by making it a bad place. I have reference to the inflammatory comments being made by certain people.


Under the law, testimony not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy, but of other facts from which deductions are drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved, Black’s Law Dictionary under circumstantial evidence, the evidence from which juries may infer to other connected facts which usually and reasonably follow according to the common experience of mankind, since we agree that juries made up of ordinary people is the best way to determine the right or the wrong of things, why would this not be so in all instances?  Ask  Barack Obama.  We don’t know what he has in mind, and we really should.  Obama is talking out of both sides of his mouth.


Pythagoras, an ancient Greek, said to be the father of mathematics, gave the world the Pythagorean theorem. The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides—if this is so, logic associated with numbers, would not numbers be associated with people as well as things?  “If this is so that is so,” you have deduction—circumstantial evidence. Why do we limit logic? Why exclude humans, applying numbers solely to things?


Pythagoras studied mathematics under Egypt’s priesthood.  He was ordained, and sworn to secrecy. We don’t know much about Pythagoras’ philosophy but we know that he discovered a mystical significance in numbers; that the numbers 1 through 9 stand, macrocosmically, for rational principles that govern and develop the universe. In Christian theology, the divine word or reason incarnate in Jesus Christ (John 1:1), the number 1 the beginning of everything, why would it not apply to the beginning of our lives?


Microcosmically, both Pythagoras and the cutting edge of science reason that numbers stand for characteristics, abilities and events. Pythagoras (and more lately science) knew that reality is of our making.  


In the Bible, we read that God made heaven and earth.  He made all other life forms and on the sixth day made man.  In numerology, 6 stands for conscientious, the desire to bring harmony, truth, and a sense of balance into the environment. Love and compassion are uppermost in the number 6.  The number 6 is the teacher, the healer.


In the Bible, on the seventh day, God, knowing he had done good, rested. The seventh day, the Sabbath, is a day of rest and meditation.  In numerology, 7 seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts to penetrate the mystery behind its existence—never before questioned.  Because solitude is necessary for analysis, the 7 feels the need to spend time alone, away from the crowds—in touch with nature.  Long sought goals, I can tell you, are magically realized when we take time to think about our lives.


We see a connection with Egypt’s priesthood, numbers, and the Bible.  Pythagoras saw in the heavens both quantity and quality.  While figures represented quantity, numbers represented the spiritual quality in us.


Because every number over 9 reduces to 1 to 9, and these numbers are basic to quantity and quality, with understanding of all that numbers represent, one can understand an orderly progression.  Many lives are out of sync with life’s intended progression.  It all reverts back to the individual.  In order to be in sync with the universe, you’ve got to be in line with the numbers. Once you realize this, you don’t feel threatened. You feel like you are in control.  What does this say about name callers?  They are more to be pitied than censored.


Note: See How to Sync with the Higher Law

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