- 11:00am until 11:00pm in PST
- Nationwide
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The CEO of Papa John's, John H. Schnatter, has said that he will have to cut employee hours because of Obamacare. Schattner has received intense media scrutiny in addition to being demonized as an evil rich guy by the Left. Obamacare is a fiscal nightmare and because of it, many small businesses aren't hiring now. Some are even closing their doors. Obamacare is now, as John Boehner said, "the law of the land."
In solidarity with John H. Schnatter, we propose that November, 16th, 2012 be National Papa John's Appreciation Day. The Left thinks we are discouraged; they think they have won. Let's send a clear message this Friday, like we did on Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, that we are here to stay and that we won't stop fighting. There are over 2,600 Papa John's stores in the United States. Let's flood all of them like we flooded Chick-Fil-A.
How the event works:
1. "Like" Papa John's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/papajohns
2. Change your Facebook avatar to the Papa Johns logo on Friday.
3. Go into your local Papa John's this Friday, November 16th, and order a pizza. This will only be effective if you go into the store itself. Take a picture of your visit and your pizza, share it on your Facebook wall and/or tweet it with the hashtag #IStandWithPapaJohns
4. If you live further than a half hour from Papa Johns. Participate on twitter with the hashtag #IStandWithPapaJohns
Also: We would like to suggest that anyone participating in this event also purchase an additional pie to share with someone that is struggling right now. Perhaps a neighbor who lost a job, a food shelter, church group, afterschool program for kids in need.... There are many options, but please consider buying a pie to share!
Let's send a clear message this Friday. Thank you, everyone.
This event was created by the team at @Reboot_USACap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:--" When will Black folks be Bold again?"Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism!
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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