Satire by John W. Lillpop
Astounding fact: The majority of Americans pay NO income taxes whatsoever.
Nada, zero, not one damn penny!
This is the result of Democrat-sponsored exemptions, deductions, and other gimmicks which allow seniors, people in the middle class, the poor, large families, disabled and other “constituents” of Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi to avoid paying their “fair share.”
Sorry, moon bats, but ZERO is not a fair share for anyone living in America!
On the other hand, left-wing crazies want to pillage and plunder the rich, that upstanding one-percent of patriotic citizens who already pay the lion’s share of taxes.
Think about it: Here America stands on the brink of financial meltdown and Democrats want to invade the pocketbooks of those overburdened, under appreciated, and abused folks referred to as the rich.
Just what sort of sense does it make to ignore the majority of people who pay no taxes, while attacking the one-percent of the population that is already paying exorbitant taxes?
The answer is, of course, no sense at all.
Except to power-mad liberals who do not give a damn about fairness or equality, but who are addicted to power.
In all comes down to votes and power. Unfortunately, there one hell of a lot more scalawags who pay no taxes than there are millionaires and billionaires!
In short, the successful and prosperous are easy targets for people like Joe Biden who believe that paying higher taxes is the “patriotic” thing to do—except when it comes to constituents of the Democrat Party!
The solution to all of America’s financial woes is to go after those folks who are not paying their “fair share,” that being the middle class, poor, and others who manage to avoid taxes altogether.
Significantly, those who pay no taxes are the same folks who knock the federal piggy bank out of whack with excessive demands on entitlement and discretionary spending.
That would be the tens of millions of people placed on the public dole by Democrats in order to purchase votes for their party.
So, you see, it is not the rich who are ruining America!
Rather it is the poor and middle class who need to clean up their acts.
America needs to rewrite the tax code so as to punish those who take but give little, or nothing, in return. A “Poverty Surcharge” would do the trick.
Here’s how it would work: Any family that earns less than $30,000 in any tax year would be assessed a Poverty Surcharge, nominally 2 % of gross income.
Another example: An unmarried woman with four children who is on welfare should be penalized for having more kids!
For each additional child she brings into the world, her monthly welfare check should be cut by 20 percent. All welfare income should be taxable, with no deductions allowed.
This would help bring down the deficit AND motivate the poor, down trodden, and irresponsible to get off their “Pity Pots.”
The new American model should be “Contribute your fair share, or perish!” and it should apply to all.
The notion that the rich should subsidize millions of slothful folk who do nothing but sit on their bottoms while watching Oprah reruns is “Old school,” immoral, and must stop!