All, I am writing a letter to all of my reps here in Wa State. I need help with it. This letter needs to be regarded seriously by those who read it. So, hopefully, It is ok to do this and does not violate any rules, I am asking help from those of you who posses excellent written communication skills in combo with being very politically savy. If any of you have sound advice on how to navigate these poltical waters that would be helpful as well. Hope some of you can help me with this.

This is what I have at the moment, please don't laugh.


Dear Representive,  Roughly 2/3 of Washington State is republican. A very small and distinctly culturaly different geographical

mass of Wa State dictate key representative positions , such as State Governor, leaving the majority geographical mass of Wa State unrepresented and forced to bend to the will of a very small geographical mass of Wa State.


The sitituation is such that those who do not understand , nor do they care to understand, our needs , urban vs rural, have

without mercy, activley engaged in the destruction of their rural and consv neighbors. This is not acceptable.


Redistricting is not a solution. The time has come to give deep and serious consideration to forming a new state which would

allow all the power to elect those officials who are in line with their beliefs, values and understand the issues of those they represent.   

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