New Militant Antifa Wing Gets Seriously Organized, Calls for Revolution and Releases List of Goals

An armed Antifa group is fundraising to support the building o a new cell in Philadelphia. And the alt-left media is helping it by publishing its press release calling for “abolitionism and revolutionary anarchism” to “decisively eradicate the abhorrence of 21st century slavery.”

What is 21st century slavery? According to the group’s website, it is the prison system. The group, known as the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) intends to use some of its funds raised to create an “underground railroad” to help people “escape the state.”

In other words they intend to use an underground railroad to help criminals escape because the group believes that “the Civil War was never resolved and the system of slavery transitioned into the prison industrial complex.” RAM sees the police as the enemy and praises Black Panther Mumia Abu Jamal who, in 1981, murdered police officer Daniel Faulkner. It also cites fellow cop killer Russell Maroon Shoatz, as a part of “Philadelphia’s rich revolutionary tradition.”

RAM hosts workshops specifically against police titled “Our Enemies in Blue.” The group’s website also seeks to abolish of gender and calls for its members to steal tools and lands so that it can build its own state, independent of the United States.

RAM also plans to build local “defense teams” and councils as well as national councils. The group models its movement on the far left Rojava Revolution in Syria, and praises communism as providing a “foundation in communal and council based political organization and militant defense.”

A website video rife with anarchy and violence heavily hints at an armed revolution to destroy the government. Trump’s economic advisor Gary Cohn is currently under fire for praising Antifa as “citizens standing up for equality and freedom.” Does RAM sound like that to you?

( We have a domestic here to the AMERICAN PEOPLE, OUR Constitution, Our FREEDOM, AND OUR REPUBLIC,!!
I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE FROM OUR Constitution of the United State the supreme the of the land!
Article 4
Section 4
The Unite States shall guarantee to every State in this union Republican From of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion, and on Application of Legislature, or of the Executive, ( when the Legislature cannot be convened ) against domestic Violence. Your State has Constitutional comment to do something able this!
If those we have elected refuse to protect the AMERICAN PEOPLE, our Constitution, our FREEDOM, and our REPUBLIC THEN IT IS OUR god given to defend our CONSTITUTION, our FREEDOM and our REPUBLIC !
Second Amendment A well regulated Militia being necessary to security of a free state the right of the people of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.,
If those we elected our not going to keep their oath then it is our right to defend Constitution, ,our Freedom and our Republic)
Principles for a FREE SOCIETY

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