Newly Launched “Soros Files” Website!

Dear Fellow Patriots:

Wanted to give you a heads up on a “Soros Files” website that was recently launched by Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc. as a means of shedding some light on the anti-American activities of the hedge fund billionaire.

The website contains the following eye-opening reports:

  • “From the Stalinist Communist International to the George Soros-funded Criminals Lobby: Disrupting the Courts and Frustrating Justice Under the Cover of Advancing Human Rights,” by Tina Trent. How Soros subverts the criminal justice system.
  • Listing of top 150 Open Society Institute (OSI) grantees, with summaries and key personnel for the top 25 (This will be expanded and updated).
  • “How Billionaire George Soros Finances Marxism in America.” (This is a PowerPoint presentation identifying how OSI funding of one group, the Alliance for Global Justice, benefits a network of Marxist organizations, including Code Pink and the Venezuela Solidarity Network.
  • A flow chart of the Soros Political Network (identifying top Soros aides and their organizations, networks and connections).
  • A flow chart of the Soros-funded Media Network. Literally dozens of progressive publications benefit from Soros largesse.
  • Who is George Soros? “Obama’s Master George Soros: Supporting America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad.” This report explores Soros’s anti-American philosophy.
  • “The Shocking Truth about Soros Mentor Karl Popper’s “Open Society” Philosophy.”  Popper was NOT an anti-communist until later in life; he was a communist and socialist during most of it. 
  • “How George Soros Sacked Glenn Beck.” Beck, now on Internet TV, was fired from Fox News because of his scrutiny of Soros and his organizations.
  • “John Podesta, the Center for American Progress, and the Communist-friendly Modern Progressive Movement.” This former Clinton chief of staff runs a big part of the Soros empire.
  • “The Revolutionary Socialism of Soros Adviser Joseph Stiglitz.” This Columbia University Professor advises Soros and is a member of the Socialist International.
  • “Top Soros Adviser and Confidant Strobe Talbott Identified as Russian Dupe.” The head of the Brookings Institution is close to Soros and the Russians.
  • PowerPoint on George Soros and the National Lawyers Guild. Soros funds Marxist lawyers and their organizations.
  • “Inside a Soros-funded conference” - the story of the “Take Back the American Dream” conference sponsored by the Campaign for America’s Future.


Semper Fi!


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