Is this what I sign up for another news company.Ever thing I read on this Tea party page is about what I have all ready read or heard.Well is the information on what the Tea party is trying to do as American on how we will get behind a person or persons who we feel will do right and will truly not follower the Washington way .
Some one who will not till us about his old jobs,someone who will not sell's us a bag untrue goodie.
Is that person or persons out there? Do we really went to put someone who been in Washington already? Or has all ready done the same thing as Washington. I prey not. I prey that we will not listen to some one else about who to vote for.I pray we vote with what has been given us Freedom that every one has. Lets not talk about what is already in the new,but lets talk about putting the right person in Office who will not only listen to us ,but us his pin not pins to do what right. because it only takes one pin to sign your name.
Have a great day