I went to this rally (or tried to) on June 8 at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. It was a rally protesting against forcing churches to violate their consciences with abortion funding. I could not even find the rally as the police had made every single person take down all their signs. No free speech in Dayton, Ohio.
On June 8, more than 160 “Stand Up for Religious Freedom” rallies were held nationwide to protest recent mandates regarding contraceptive and abortion-related healthcare coverage from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. One of the rallies was held at Sinclair Community College (SCC) in Dayton, Ohio, hosted by SCC’s Traditional Values Club. You’d have been forgiven, however, if you had walked past the rally and had difficulty figuring out what everyone was talking about. Why? Because SCC’s police department ordered everyone to put every single sign down on the ground.
Photos taken at the event show police forcing rally attendees to put down their signs, and in this video you can hear an officer saying that “no signage whatsoever” was allowed:
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/22/signs-of-trouble-for-free-speech-at-sinclair-cc/#ixzz1yoSsYsqx
If you think there is peace because you hear no gun shots, I hope you are reloading. Their will never be peace with the evils of this world, only peace we are promised is with God.
@Beverly: That's exactly what Obozo is pushing for, so he can instill martial law and cancel the elections in November.
we all need to take the time and effort to call and email the major office
What is happening to our beloved country? Is the fight for freedom going to require us to sacrifice our lives here at home again?
Doesn't it scare the sh*t out of you, that someone that ignorant of our rights is working as a police officer. And worse, the ignorance of the administrative personell who came up with that solution to a perceived problem.
Ohio is union run, therefore socialist by nature.
They (the government ) take our money from us so they can use it against us.
Obummer is forcing Communism one state at a time. HE has all his minions doing his dirty job paid for by Soros and our Tax dollars
We have fallen for it hook line and sinker "victimless Crimes".
We need to stand up for our rights, the left are taking our rights away very fast.