By John W. Lillpop
To people like AG Eric Holder, Harry Reid and most liberals, perpetuating the Barack Obama failed presidency is more important than protecting the integrity of the vote.
To Mr. Holder and all the other Democrats in denial, or worse, the case of one Wendy Rosen of Maryland should be required reading.
As reported at Reference 1:
Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Andy Harris in Maryland's First Congressional District, which includes the Eastern Shore, has withdrawn from the race.Well, good for you Ms. Lewis! But why the hell did it take six years to uncover this fraud?
The Maryland Democratic Party said it demanded Rosen's withdrawal after discovering Rosen has been registered to vote in both Maryland and Florida since 2006 and has voted in both states in two elections.
In a statement, Yvette Lewis, chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party, said, “Today, the Maryland Democratic Party took immediate and decisive action and demanded the withdrawal of Wendy Rosen as nominee for U.S. Representative in the 1st Congressional District after allegations of electoral law violations were brought to our attention.
“In addition, at my direction, the Maryland Democratic Party submitted a letter to the Attorney General and State Prosecutor outlining all information regarding the alleged violations.
“Any effort to corrupt or misuse the electoral process is reprehensible, wrong and must not be tolerated,” Lewis said.
In the letter to Attorney General Doug Gansler and State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt, Lewis said the Maryland Democratic State Central Committee had learned "Rosen has been registered to vote in both Florida and Maryland since at least 2006; that she in fact voted in the 2006 general election both in Florida and Maryland; and that she voted in the presidential preference primaries held in both Florida and Maryland in 2008. This information is based on an examination of the voter files from both states.
"We believe that this is a clear violation of Maryland law and urge the appropriate office to conduct a full
investigation," Lewis wrote.”
Voter fraud by candidates has not been seen as a factor until now, but since Rosen is a Democrat, anything is possible!
You do recall the voter fraud orchestrated by Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa at the DNC last week right? The one in which Villaraigosa pretended that a revision to the party platform, which deleted God and references to Jerusalem as capital of Israel, was approved by voice vote, although the NAYS appeared to win the day?
What the Rosen debacle points out is the urgent need for a federal law requiring Voter ID everywhere!
Especially for Democrat politicians!
Of course, since Rosen is a Democrat, her fraud may not arouse much concern from the likes of Eric Holder!
She is/was running in my district...I was pleasantly surprised at the announcement as I'm strongly supporting our incumbent- Andy Harris-Republican, a great guy and one of the 2010 newbies.
Most surprising is that Rosen was turned in by her own party. Makes me wonder if they were afraid of something bigger lurking in the shadows of their fallen candidate.
Therefore, the Obama Administration continues to flaunt their corruption across the media waves as if gallantly performing for the safety and security of the citizen. The obnoxious characterizations blatantly broadcast by the Obama Administration concerning the devilish position of the economy and society within the USA is a continual example of the demonic principles supported by radical socialists throughout the world to successfully modify society.
Once radical socialists achieve a foundation of amoral behavior, they expand their operational program to enlighten the followers in an attempt to culminate the radical societal transformation. During this organization program the radical spin-masters continue to expand their eloquent corruptive broadcasts to include even more deceitful tales to cover any disjointed or detained operations occurring previously.
Many of the programs expanded operations will involve increased violent protests and persistent abusive sit-ins where the actual agenda is so vague that even the attendees are not aware of its purpose. Additionally, the spin-masters group activities will include orchestration of direct attacks on the social and economic factors that formerly produced the basis of achievement for those attending or composing the attacks.
This remolding and reshaping of the citizen normally begins with a class or race warfare identity broadcast by the highest leadership in control. Through this coordinated covert revolt from the top, the radicals feed susceptible masses with further “Hope and Change” potential based on further escalation of the existing unrest.
Funny...the Dems required ID to get in to their comvention, one and all....hypocrisiy much???
In the election of 2008 there were probably as many dead folks who voted democratic, as there were actual voters who voted for Obama. The Black Panthers driving White Voters away from the polls in Maryland, and other areas, gave, yes gave, Obama the election. That organization which Obama worked for, ACORN, had as much to do with Obama winning that election as any voter did. Acorn, which was supposed to disband, is very much alive today. They have been doing well since 2009 when Obama gave them 11 billion dollars of taxpayer money so they could hide their identity and plan for the election of 2012. This they have done. They are planning on doing the same thing again and Eric Holder has vowed to help them.
IMO - since she IS a public figure - (possibly not liked in WDC) they will gladly throw her under the bus so "they" appear to actually support the rule of law..... (ROFLMAO!!!)
Semper FI!
If honor and integrity become mandatory in politics there will no longer be a democratc party , and the republican party will be reduced by two thirds . Go for it !
James if the democrats lose ALL their seats I'l sleep better at night so thats alright with me ,FOR NOW.
rEQUIRE VOTER I. D, FOR ALL &ANY ELECTIONS. thats a PERIOD at the end there stop voter fraud with out I.D. how can it possibly be done ?