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It is all for the love of God Family and Country.  Before you say you are with me!

It is not that I am brave or courageous, I am not trying to be a smart ass.  It is simply because I cannot live anyway but free.  I have always obeyed the laws of my country, never been arrested or even been a suspect of any crime.  I have served in the Air Force and Army and received Honorable discharges from both.  I am Loyal, I value my Honor and I am a Christian with deep faith. Most of my life has been dedicated to protecting those who could not defend themselves.

Tonight I told my wife something that brought her to tears.  She knows me very well and she knows what I told her is without undoing.  I told her that if this government remains and starts removing freedoms as it has been trying to do I will stand for our Constitution.  I told her that if the government made the decision to take my right to own guns away I would stand and fight for the right men before me died to protect.  Even the men who signed the Constitution knew that if American citizens gave up that right they would be accepting tyranny and slavery.  My wife said, "you will be shot down for what, who will even know or care"?  My answer was that I would die anyhow, I could never live knowing I allowed the likes of men who would do it to run my life.  I am an American (mostly native) and I could never submit to an individual I hold such disrespect for or any man who wanted to rule me.  I, also, told her there would others going with me.

To those who would say "I am with you" or anything like it I ask.  Please do not make that statement until you have thought it through and are willing to give your life for freedom.  I have and I am committed to giving my life for my rights as they are under the United States Constitution.  Liberals, Progressives and Democrats.  Know this, I have never tried to take one thing from you.  I never ask you for anything from you, I never tried to make you do what I wanted.  Why do you let your president tell me you have to get your revenge on me or as Mrs. Jarrett said, you are going to get even with me, all this when I simply want to live my life and be left alone.  If it is your desire to kill those who will not bow to you then let's get to it.  I will obey the law of America, it's Constitution.  You will obey a simple minded man.

Art Phillips (Elevengun)

Loyal American citizen

Veteran and Patriot

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