North Carolina Pastors’ 9/11 Billboard
( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )
Source: I Am The Son Of A Muslim | North Carolina Pastors’ Network
The Billboard has a very simple message and it is in perfect agreement with Sidi Haji Abdrahaman’s explanation, Islam is the motivation for 9-11 and for Manchester, UK, and St. Petersburg, and Paris, and Nice and Orlando and San Bernardino, and Garland Texas, and Chattanooga, and Ft. Hood and so forth and so on. The list could go on and on but the Truth is that the People committing these terrorist acts all claimed to be Muslim and claimed to be acting out of a zeal and dedication for their Religion and their prophet Muhammad. The West must come to grips with the absolute fact that untold millions of Muslims around the World really believe that their religion instructs them to fight armed jihad against all non-Muslims. We can argue for years whether or not that view represents true Islam, but in the meantime the millions of Muslims Worldwide who hold this view continue to fight and kill non-Muslims on a daily basis because they believe it is the highest calling of their Faith and the only assurance of Paradise after death (See Quran 9.111, 2.207, 4.74, 61:10-12; Sahih Al-Bukhari 52:54 etc).
Read it all. Unlike their co-religionists across America, these guys seem to get it.