Change the laws ///// Eliminate gun control back to what was on the books prior to and restrictions on citizens who have no criminal record and push concealed carry for all [including school teachers]
They don't like to hear anything that makes sence. What saddens me is that measures should of been taken even before Columbine. The libtards are screaming at the top of their lungs for "assault weapon bans" translated: 2nd Amendment bans.
Change the laws ///// Eliminate gun control back to what was on the books prior to and restrictions on citizens who have no criminal record and push concealed carry for all [including school teachers]
They don't like to hear anything that makes sence. What saddens me is that measures should of been taken even before Columbine. The libtards are screaming at the top of their lungs for "assault weapon bans" translated: 2nd Amendment bans.