Numbers and logic dovetail. To determine how logical a crow was, an enclosure was placed in a corn field. Two people entered the enclosure and one came out and left the corn field. The crows didn’t appear. They knew someone was in the enclosure. Three people entered the enclosure and two came out and left the corn field. The crows stayed away, and so on, until six people entered the enclosure and five came out and left the corn field. The crows, thinking all the people were gone, flew in and started eating corn.
The number 5 is the limit of a crow’s logic. Man has learned to use numbers to make logic far beyond our human sensibilities and yet man does not know as much about living together in peace as crows. Why?
There are those of us with a burning desire to control, which comes from feeling inferior. Not only do these folks want to control their own lives, but other lives as well. It is called inferiority complex. Their desire for control insatiable—all-consuming—some of these folks become monsters. They will do whatever it takes. Their end justifies any means. You know people like that in America—labor bosses, communists, one and all.
Then there are lawyers, highly trained professionals in the art of putting their spin on the law. Politicians are their kin. Of course there are the rich who use their power in making the law to favor themselves. In defense, we form groups. As a result, the Constitution has become a historical document. The battle for control rages. In Wisconsin, a judge, favoring the group that screams the loudest, has overturned the law and threatens contempt of court on the governor. I’ve been before 18 federal judges. Drunk with the power they have usurped from the American people, this we see before us is legal spin at its very worst.
Remember, Hitler was legal. I was there. Seeing is believing. You would not believe the suffering that monster caused. Do you want to wind up a slave? German judges gave Hitler the go ahead nod. The Jews did not act. They prayed to God. God helps those who help themselves. Do I ever wish I was the governor of Wisconsin right now. I would send that lawless Wisconsin judge to hell.
I’m not one of those millions who feel inferior and are willing to be controlled, who don’t feel they have the ability to direct their own lives. They are easily sucked in by handouts. Obama is their man. Woe be unto the likes of me who keep this wolf in sheep’s clothing empowered. At best, it will take several generations to pay the debt Obama and his colleagues have created before working people start to pay for their own keep. There is an excellent chance that America will become a communist dictatorship.
Yesterday, we learned from a South American Indian shaman that we are mysteriously connected. There is but one logical answer: A universal soul or consciousness. “In earth as it is in heaven,” said Jesus. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Where is the kingdom of God? Where is Obama’s “collective salvation?” A Harvard educated slick lawyer, Big Daddy Obama, the silver-tongued orator, you can’t believe a word he utters.
Let me tell you how I found universal consciousness. I was out to get my rights back. The IRS claimed it had the right to take 100 percent of my property. The IRS does have the legal right to take everything I have and put me on the street. I have the right to take my case to a court that favors the IRS. I claimed Uncle Sam was unconstitutionally taxing me. I went to the country law library to study the Constitution and the legal procedure for suing the IRS. I’m the only American, it seems, who knew at the time that my Constitution was not a historical document. While I studied the Constitution, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. My fight turned from my constitutional rights to rights for everyone’s. I had a bigger than life calling that empowered me.
I sidestepped my ego-self and entered the kingdom of God. I matured. If you have been reading my stuff, you know I’ve been blessed. Unfortunately, most of you have not. You are wondering what the future holds for you. It could be very bleak.
Shades of the past, last night I viewed the History Channel’s presentation of the “Dark Ages.” Following the glory of Rome—centuries of divine rulers and ruthless, inhuman behavior—came the Dark Ages and great human suffering under barbarian war lords. The only hope was in the Christian Church, and it was into brutal acts against people. Fifteen hundred years after Jesus was hung from the cross, Martin Luther’s protest was a blow to the Holy Catholic Empire, as was Galileo’s proof that Earth was not at the center of the universe. Came the Age of Enlightenment and the colonization of America, opportunity seeking Europeans asking only for the chance to make a life of their own. Came the American Constitution, a carefully crafted document whose aim was to divide power in such a way the people would be protected in their God-given rights.
It is clear now that the powers that be don’t have the answer. They are phonies playing a shell game. Sad to say, they are trying to make the American people think they know. Two hundred and thirty years after America had her Constitution the battle for control rages. The American free enterprise economy, coming closer and closer to a meltdown, how long we remain a free market economy depends on how long we think it will be free. Collectivist control freaks are doing all they can to bring down America’s free market economy. Who needs enemies when you have friends like these? We have our work cut out for us.
The Tea Party is the only hope out there that America as we know her will be saved.