The ancient Egyptians were extremely good at using numbers to make logic. They knew Earth was a sphere and the circumference. “I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me." Hosea 13:4. The story of Horus, an ancient Egyptian God, was similar to the story of Jesus. Who knows? The point is that the spirit of Jesus lives.
In the month and year of my birth, September, 1925, physicist Werner Heisenberg, with numbers, proved that there was uncertainty in the makeup of the time-space universe. His discovery was the forerunner of quantum physics—quantum, the smallest excitation of a quantized wave or field, quantized, the discrete value rather than a continuous set of values. A discrete number would be like 27, 2+7=9, the discrete number, 9. Starting with 1 and doubling, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, reduced to discrete numbers, you get 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, and beginning the sequence, 128=11, or 1, this numbers sequence continues to infinity. Discrete numbers make interesting patterns, giving us an idea of how the universe is harmoniously and symmetrically patterned. With our human sensitivities, we hear it in music; we see it in a rose; we feel it in the spirit of love. Of all of this the ancients aware, they left us myths and legends explaining the mysteries of our lives.
The discrete number for the year 1925, the year of my birth, is 8. In numerology, 8 is the symbol for power. Starting with 1, the symbol for a beginning, by the time we get to 8, power, this is associated with zeal, steadfastness and the ability to see in broad terms the ability to achieve material goals. By the way, the next number up, the number 9, the highest in earthly achievement, stands for selflessness, in the coming age, the Age of Aquarius, we become our brothers keeper. In the year of my birth, 8, our nation in a period of prosperity, up jumped the devil. A self-serving Congress, in spite of Coolidge’s dismantling of Woodrow Wilson’s progressive fraud, in preparation for the interruption of progressivism, the gradual taking of the working people’s wherewithal, Congress gave the IRS the authority to examine personal income records for tax purposes.
The discrete number 4, four, standing for stability, the symbol of law, in 1975 (which reduces to the number 4), I was in a fight with the IRS and studying the law in preparation for taking my issue to court.
On Good Friday 1975, I cut my umbilical cord with my past, on Easter Sunday arriving in Miami, Florida for the first day of my new life. My life is full of symbolism.
A report from a numerologist I got from a magazine ad says, “Sometime in the middle of your life, probably between the ages of thirty-five and fifty, you’re apt to begin thinking about how free you would like to be (The number 5 is the numerology symbol for freedom). You probably haven’t been too concerned with freedom—or the lack of freedom—before, but current circumstances may bring it to your attention. There may be a significant change in one the major stabilizing factors in your life—the end of a marriage or business . . .” At age 49, I was at the end of my marriage, my business, and in a constitutional fight with the IRS over my property rights.
There have been too many coincidences in my life to call it coincidence. From the disaster my early life became, to late life as good as life gets, when I began my new life I broke free and went to sea. I got on my path of destiny. When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right. We don’t know the power that lies within us until we get a bigger than life calling. When I studied the Constitution, in preparation for taking the IRS to court, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.
We are aware of a great change about to happen. America is where I was in 1975, at a jumping off place, when we Americans can either soar with eagles or fall into the abyss. Astrology, based on a universe reduced to numbers, tells us that we are at the end of the Age of Pisces, at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Pisceans are people who desperately want to do the right thing, but according to Astrology are weak willed. Jesus, who came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, told his followers that before the cock crowed they would deny him three times. Listen to what Astrologer’s Handbook says about the Age of Aquarius. “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.”
God geometrizes. Not only was I born Aquarius rising, but nature’s geometry made me able to understand the fundamental laws of the universe, according to Astrologer’s Handbook. Saturn is trine Pluto in my astrological chart; that is, Saturn and Pluto were in their most favorable geometric alignments when I was born. “This is one of the most profound alignments.” Numerology gives me the number 7 for my life lesson number. I’m here to develop and use my mind.
In 1975, I had a choice. I demanded my God-given rights. All of my dreams have come true. In 2010, the American people are being given a choice, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid choice or God’s choice, an independent self. Werner Heisenberg proved by the numbers that there is uncertainty as we travel from point A to point B. Will America be another of history’s lessons?
Quantum physics has advanced during my life to a point when it must admit that consciousness is fundamental to existence. We exist in a state of consciousness, limited only by us. Here’s what James Allen, author of As A Man Thinketh said a century back:
As a being of Power, Intelligence and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regerative agency by which may make himself what he wills.
Here is what quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker had published in 2000 in The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow.” “Consciousness exists. And for the first time, we have used the instruments of scientific investigation to fit its existence into the overall tapestry of reality. . . Matter, objects—a physical domain exists that is governed by immutable laws. But these laws leave open a range of happenings (Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle) that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.”
Numerology gets its information, as to your life lesson number, from your name. We read in Laura Wattenberg’s The Baby Name Wizard and at her website that we are “in the middle of a naming revolution." Wattenberg says, "Parents are putting a much higher premium on distinctiveness."
While Parents are putting a much higher premium of distinctiveness, Democrats would have you believe they are showing support for the middleclass by placing a much higher premium on distinctiveness. Be honest with yourself. Do Democrats have the power to do anything except that which they have the lawful right to do as individuals? Say a kindhearted neighbor saw that I had two cars and the guy next door had no car, so he takes it upon himself to see that a law is passed to take one of my cars and give to my pedestrian neighbor.
Nancy Pelosi is a multimillionaire. She acts like a queen. Why should she keep millions herself, plus a legislated sweetheart deal for our congressional aristocracy, and make laws to take from the rich and give to the poor? Nancy and her colleagues do not provide the jobs sorely lacking. Nancy and her Democrat pals are hypocrites.
Day after day, I’ve been bringing to your attention the Higher Law, the background of the Constitution. The truth the Founding Fathers found self-evident was the fact that everyone is created equal in opportunity. We all know that some of us are stronger, some more intelligent, some with inherited wealth, but most have to work hard to acquire wealth. At any rate, wealth is required to give others jobs and it is none of Congresses business. Congress is not there to create our economy. They have created a straw man. Incentive is destroyed when Democrats tax wealth excessively. By taking from the rich and giving to the poor, Democrats create dependency. Who, other than government parasites, are screaming for Democrats to hold the line. What nonsense!
Since I had been self-employed, I was not eligible for unemployment pay. I did what anybody would do. I took a job. When I was a single, entry-level worker in Miami, Florida in 1975 (out of sight, out of mind), my pay withheld for federal income tax, up the street a mile long line of snowbirds, down from the north for the winter, and receiving unemployment pay, waited in line for their food stamps. It took me three phone calls to land an entry-level job. But no, those screaming parasites demanding their doles, those who refuse to work because federal income tax was taking my pay to pay snowbird deadbeats, it is unbelievable! And not only that, the IRS had lawlessly frozen my tax refund of $5,000, leaving me on the street. None of this is known. The IRS kept my $5,000 refund because I dared to petition the tax court on the deliberate mistake those IRS thieves made.
The frauds representing you knew what the IRS did was illegal. I informed them. Senator Lawton Chiles admitted to me that he received more taxpayer complaints than all the rest of his mail put together. You better believe they know. Your representatives did nothing! All of this going on, and in the name of social justice, this worker was locked out of my apartment for nonpayment of rent. No, you knew nothing. But just listen to those Democrat sob sisters wail over the nasty old Republicans taking the unemployment benefits from the unemployed (who refuse to work) and at Christmas time. My oh my, what a terrible thing, the biggest crooks in history lying their way into control! I pity what the gullible American people are in for. You don’t believe me? It is all on record.
Having done away with the Constitution, Democrats are killing the goose that laid golden eggs, and for what purpose? The point is that Jesus’ spirit lives on and Democrats, including that nose-picking dirtbag, Senator Reid, through their immoral notion of redistribution, have become the greatest thieves the world has ever known. Thanks to the Tea Party, Republicans have seen the error of their ways. But face it, America, due to the lame ducks in Congress who never learn, and lamebrain Obama, the monstrous Democrats, in the name of social justice, continue with the biggest heist in history. With their 11 percent approval rating, calling themselves angels of mercy, those egomaniacs leave our free America on the brink of extinction. If you have heard Jesus’ message, then you know it is essential that we rid ourselves of said raving wolves in sheep’s clothing once and for all times.