NumbersUsa Amnesty Alert.

NumbersUSAUrgent Action
roy beck
Speaker Boehner says Republicans will help Pres. Obama pass 'comprehensive immigration reform. Phone your reaction now.

I know you must be as livid or concerned as all of us here by the comments of the Republican leadership in the U.S. House, suggesting willingness to help Pres. Obama pass another amnesty for illegal aliens so they can compete in the legal jobs market against beleaguered Americans.

Here's your opportunity to let Boehner, Cantor and other leaders know that they have stepped into a real mess with their post-election comments.

icon-action-fax.pngGOP Leaders Need To Hear Response This Afternoon

Comments suggesting amnesty from Boehner & Cantor were trial balloons. Extremely important that they hear that people are sticking pins in them

Click on the red button to find the phone numbers of top House GOP leaders and the talking points you can choose from. Just a quick call to express your concern will do wonders in slowing down these leaders from rushing into an amnesty agreement.

icon-action-phone.png Call Boehner & Other GOP Leaders
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  • Sorry for the spelling errors, couldn't edit it and computer skips letters on this site sometimes.

  • Oama & the Democrats, right after the election, are talking Amnesty again, not the economy.  Please phone all the Congress members that NumbersUsa recomends.  I got through to Speaker Boehner's voice mail today, even though it is a Federal Holiday.

    I mentioned that Liberal Sen. Schumer can not be trusted on any enforcement measures. Indeed, Schumer said "The Republican Party now realizes that being the "Anti-Immigrant Party will not get them vores."   I mentioned that the Republican Party is very much pro LEGAL Immigration, but also the Party of Laws, and Americans will not trust Congress or the President to have a fully verified secure border with a physical 2-layer fence, (future Presidents and Congresses can open the border back up by not funding it), Mandatory E-verify well in place, not allowing those allowed to stay to get ahed in line of those waiting LEGALLY to become Citizens, and wording needed such as;  "Anyone entering the U.S. Illegally, or overstaying Visas will NEVER be allowed to remain in the U.S. as well as any children they may have, and will be deported."

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