Obama and Rice Character of rats

Dear Mindy:   


susan-rice.png It's a safe bet that if the Obama administration had devoted as much attention to saving the murder victims in Benghazi as they are saving the sorry, inexperienced backside of marionette Susan Rice there would be no investigation of a cover-up to keep a sitting president from being perceived as an indecisive and immoral weakling.  Clearly, she allowed herself to be used as a tool and showed the discernment of a trainee as opposed to an experienced ambassador when it came to selling deceased Americans down the river to protect her boss, and she slipped into defense mode as easily as most people slide into their favorite pair of sneakers.

Skin color matters not a whit with respect to her considerable missteps and opprobrious behavior for she openly distributed misinformation to protect the reputation of a man with a vaporous backbone who treats underlings like a mother rat, nudging its babies to eat the bait first to find out if it's poisonous.  While criticism of Ms. Rice is being deflected by knee-jerk defenders as racial, is it not richly ironic that the very man who sent her into battle naked is also black? Apparently mental malleability and weakness are not traits confined to race but rather a reflection of character, and regrettably, neither has any.

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Mychal Massie - The Daily Rant
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