Obama Has Intentionally Damaged This Country

Hillary has talked often about the “phony” scandal that engulfs her about the e mails that were found to be classified on her personal server. Putting that aside for the minute, I seem to have heard the “phony scandal” line before. Isn’t this the same line that Obama and his cronys have used for years. I decided to go back and take a look at the “phony scandals” and see if they are in fact not phony but a large part of this administration.

First, let’s take a look at the IRS targeting of conservatives before the 2012 election. There were questions of who and why they were targeted. Conservatives and Pro-Israel groups were targeted, and even though some on the left are saying that liberal groups were also targeted, the numbers do not bear this out. To this day and because of this administrations hiding of important information that should be available we still have no answers. Lois Lerner pled the fifth, and the DOJ ignored a public official who took the fifth before Congress.

Benghazi could fill a book. Not only did we not attempt to assist our people who were there or even give them the security they requested, but the total change of the talking points just before an election are questions the American people still have. And Obama was nowhere to be found, presumably getting rest for his fundraiser in Las Vegas the next day.

Fox news reporter James Rosen, was declared a criminal for reporting classified information and was targeted by Attorney General Eric Holder for Prosecution which he denied until it was exposed that he signed the affidavit that made Rosen a criminal, monitored his phones and hacked his emails. Last I checked Mr. Rosen was a citizen of the United States with certain rights that can not be brushed aside by this administration. Liberals will say that it was nothing, and that it was needed because of the classified information . My question would be, what if it was a liberal that this happened to? Harry Reid, the Congressional Black Caucus, and  the Mainstream media bought and paid for by the Democrats and George Soros would be wringing their hands and calling for jail time. At this same time Sharyl Attkinsson’s computer was hacked while she was working for CBS investigating the Benghazi scandal.

We all know of fast and furious. We know of the cover-up, and there is a good chance that both Obama and Holder were involved. Will it ever be proven? Not until this administration is gone, and by that time most of the pertinent information will no doubt have been “lost” like Lerners  emails.

Obamacare is another scandal that the mainstream media and this administration have told us it is working great. We still have 32 million citizens who are not covered. The whole abomination that is Obamacare was set up In collusion with the Insurance companies, the hospitals, and this administration. The promises of reduction in premiums, being able to keep your doctor, and everyone being covered were known to be a lie from the start.  Money has been taken from Medicare and Medicaid to be able to pay for it, and Medicare Advantage programs which assisted seniors for coverage of their healthcare will be stripped and given to AARP, another large backer and donor to Obamacare.

One that many people have not heard of is the Pigford scandal. Started to compensate black farmers for discrimination it has given billions of dollars to those who didn’t face discrimination or ever farmed anywhere. Again, the administration just covered it up.

Green energy has done well  under Obama, billions of dollars for companies like Solyndra. After concerns was raised about the coming bankruptcy, money still was given to Solyndra to keep quiet about layoffs until after the 2010 election. Solyndra and over 30 other companies given green energy money have closed down, some within months of receiving taxpayer funds.

Obamas Dream Act is a violation of immigration laws and without Congressional approval. The “pen and phone” dictatorship has ignored laws it does not feel meets the agenda set by Obama. ICE is not allowed to do the job they were hired for, and the southern border is now an open gate for all who want to come here, including terrorists.

Obama has fired Inspector Generals that will not follow his agenda, as well as military generals who disagree with the destruction of our military readiness. I am concerned about those soldiers, sailors and airmen being further and further eroded both in what they need to get the job done and in the morale so needed in any conflict. There is no assurance that our military will survive any conflict, even a “kinetic action” like Libya.  The stakes has been escalated, Libya, a war that Obama started without Congressional approval  was an operation that showed how badly he has decimated our forces. Social engineering in the military have damaged military readiness.

Two years ago Obama declared that Assad of Syria had crossed multiple red lines and would suffer consequences. Where are they? There were no consequences. And both Syria and Russia know there will be none. Since that time Obama has caused our country to become a laughing stock and is the primary reason we see a mass exodus of men 18-40 fleeing the area. It is a Muslim invasion of Europe. A “hijrah” for the purpose of creating enough chaos to overtake European culture and expand Islam to the entire European continent.

And here at home, we have the challenge of race relations. In this country because of the political machinations of Holder in the Black Panther case, saying we were cowards who would not discuss race. In fact, whites and many blacks are willing and ready to talk about race. We are willing to talk about race in the context of the foundation of the black community, the breakup of the family in our culture, the feelings of “rights” to entitlements, the federal subsidies, the slandering of anyone who wants to learn, the false masculinity in the black culture of  rap and familial neglect. All these and more have caused a rift in our culture, a culture torn even further by political correctness and multiculturalism. The damage is being furthered by this administration, and the Al Sharptons, DeRay McKessons, and Black Panthers will cause violence until they destroy this country if allowed. The only alternative is civil war, and there are those in this country that look forward to that time.

The final lie so far has been the nuclear deal with Iran. In it is no verification of any consequence, and a loss of all requirements that the Unitd States required for acceptance. In my opinion, Iran will have a nuclear device within two years, and will announce it right after attempting to destroy Israel.  Obama will be gone, he will be able to point to his successor and blame them for not keeping the eye on the ball and allowing it to happen.

We have lived these years under a “community organizer” President for too long. His arrogance and narcissism will degrade and divide this country like never before. Until the people of this country feel that they have a government that will help them rather than divide them. A country where intervention of authority into any incident with blacks will be thought about twice, and leave our all our cities and neighborhoods to become Chicago, Detroit, or parts of Los Angeles, all Democrat controlled cities, war zones where shots heard nightly are so common they are not even talked about anymore.


There is so much more that Obama and his socialist/muslim friends have done to damage to fabric of our country. His dictatorship will take years to recover, to heal the damage done by his ‘LEADING FROM BEHIND”.  But patriots we will survive, no matter what it takes. Notwithstanding what Obama says, we really are an exceptional country.


This is not the America I want and I would say not the America most Patriots want. Will they fight for it? I will, and a great majority would.  And the patriots of this country need to get LOUD and PROUD. If Obama gets his way, people will be fed up, perhaps next summer, causing civil war, martial law, and Obamas third term to rule as a king. Possible, but many are praying for some in our Congress to grow a backbone, and stop all this before that.


John Velisek USN (Ret.)

Twitter: sjspecialist

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