Obama in Hawaii/Chicago

As a Honolulu (plainclothes) Police Officer in the late 70's, we were assigned to go out and break up fights between Hawaiian's (local boys), as they had a hate for African-American (called Papolo's) and the locals would find the Papolo's and beat them up and would have to break up the fights. 

                                                                                                                                                                        My kids and my niece's and nephews were born at Kapiolani Childrens Hospital, which is on Punahou Ave, which is around the corner, from the Police Station.  I know for a fact, in talking to other retired Honolulu Police Officer's, who have tried to get Obama's birth cert or his school records, Punahou refuses to give up the public records. 


Larry Mehau, is know to have control over many area's of the State and would be able to block the public records, for Obama.  Neil Abercrombe (now Governor), was known back in the 60's and 70's as a hippie and he used to drive a checker cab, as his vehicle of choice, so when they saw the car, you know where Neil was.


I was Pres of Nv Car Owners Association, for 20 yrs from 1991, representing the Classic Car Community for the State of Nv., writting laws, killing laws and changing laws.   In the Clean Air Act of 1990, it says the government wants all cars destroyed, which were 10 yrs or older, which is what Obama used in his Cash for Clunkers, almost word for word.


The first Air Pollutant which Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Harry Reid, Bill Clinton and who else Barrack Obama and the pollutant was Carbon Monoxide.  Harry Reid and his croonies, have been involved in crooked land deals so much, there was a special Senate Hearing (S.B.432) and the whole Clark County Air Quality Health District was disbanded, as it was used to make most of the land deals.


In 1993, where else, there was a International Emission Program set up in Chicago, which was a way, they wanted to continue in the process of trying to make a one world governance, using the program, which was all laid out on Glenn Beck on Fox.  I lead the fight against them and by bringing in the Fed's to Las Vegas in 2000, they put 4 County Commissoners in Federal Prison, as well as a lot of Clark County employees and dirty Cops and dirty Code Enforcers in Federal Prison in Southern Utah, which most of them are still there.


I'm being told Harry Reid bought the 160 acreas of land on the Arizona side of the new highway over the Colorado river and I'm being told, Harry Reid has obtained the right of way, for the new train, from Vegas to Victorville and you wonder why, Reid and Obama are so close.  Is this insider trading??????? 

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