Obama is a Christian


Yes, Obama is a Christian who schemes in terms of liberating the poor by taking from the rich, and now praying for peace in Egypt. It sounds good in theory to the poor but it is not good for the poor or the rich.


The Egyptians are not fooled.  According to the Egyptians, Obama’s words mean nothing.  Furthermore, they don’t like being told. Most Americans wonder what Obama is.  One thing for sure, Obama is a master of duplicity We have but to look at the politics of the Middle-East, which has it death to Great Satin America. Look at Liberation Theology, Obama’s brand of Christianity, Marxist. It dovetails with Islam’s political goals, which are socialistic. These two birds of a feather are all about power, the people, the pawns of both.  


Seventy percent of the jobs in America are provided by small business.  Most small business owners are classified by Obama as rich.  They couldn’t be in business if they were not “rich.”  If taxed heavily, since they take a risk with their investment, and they don’t always make a profit, small business owners would be foolish to stay in business giving their profits to government.  The reason unemployment is high in America is primarily due to Obama’s predatory redistribution of wealth. Not only does it drive the hiring public out of business, but it encourages dependence on government.


Government drove this entrepreneur out of business in 1975, but not without my kicking government’s butt.  It took me eleven years to do it, but the IRS apologized to the world on the front page of The Palm Beach Post for making repeated “mistakes.” Those so-called mistakes were the IRS’s effort to let me know there was nothing I could do to stop their lies and frauds.  It is all recorded.

The Internet ad says, “Make 2011 the year you pay zero taxes. This comprehensive guide, written by an accomplished team of tax experts, contains dozens of tips and techniques to preserve your income through exclusions, credits, deductions, shelters, smart investments, and more!”

 What if your income is barely enough to make ends meet?  You are trapped into paying the full income tax burden; the rich get a free ride; the government entitled live on your poor aching back. Playing the American people for suckers, the most corrupt in the world United States, tantamount to an invite, asked for the 9-11 attack.  The American people are being deliberately delivered to the Islamic Brotherhood.  At the last moment, at the cost of your freedom, America’s phony knights in shining armor, in a pre-arranged deal with the Islamic Brotherhood, will come to the American people’s rescue.  Without a shot being fired, America will be placed under Sharia law.  You will lose all control over your life. Don’t worry about Egypt. Worry about your own country.   



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  • Alright, but when was the battle for Jerico?  The head honcho for the Brotherhood says he will not be happy until every Jew in Israel is dead.  The Bible says the Israelites killed every living thing in Canaan.  Do you believe that God called for all the killing?  What on earth could make anyone think these things?
  • Ever since Abraham, Jews, Christians and Muslims have been fighting over whose God is the real God.
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