File:Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg

" Many Blk Obama supporters feel reelecting him is reparations. We either face this head on or brace 4a VERY RUDE awakening!!! 
" -My Twitter status

A longer statement of this concern  comprises  my Face Book status: 

Folks, it's SO sad 2 say but many of my sisters & brothers of the same color feel very real anger toward their country. When no less than our present 1st Lady said she finally was proud of America 4 the 1st time in her life only after her husband's victory she spoke 4 millions feeling profoundly cheated and hostile. From THAT apocalyptic perspective reelecting Obama becomes a scary contest 2 decide whether America is good enough 2 continue- PERIOD! They feel IT'S.FINALLY.OUR.TURN, That's why I work so hard 2 MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA- SO IT'S.FINALLY. EVERY .AMERICAN'S.TURN. "

These two postings convey in stark terms a largely unspoken reason why Black support for President Obama reaches nearly 100 percent in most projections.

Many Black people feel it's " our " turn now and that America " owes " us another four years of Obama. This is brinksmanship the likes of which we haven't seen since the Cold War with the former Soviet Union.

I have to ask, " What happens if Obama loses, given these cosmic expectations? "

As Americans we need to look long and hard at that question. Its answer carries with it the literal future of our Republic.

The plunger on a racial powder keg is being slowly pushed down and can be halted should cooler heads prevail. Injecting four hundred years of wrongs no one can change is simply not in the country's best interests during this historic election.

President Obama is one man.

His possible reelection shouldn't be a ransom note with which America is held hostage. 

This upcoming date with destiny in November isn't reparations- it's can't be! 

Obama can't change the past and neither can Romney. 

All we have is the present and future to shape with God's help.  But, if we don't put race aside then America won't have much of either. 

NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK, THE HOOD CONSERVATIVE has a Face Book page he invites you to " like " along with asking anyone angry with our country to MAKE PEACE WITH AMERICA and turn pain into patriotism. You can discuss this transformation by calling:

( 504 ) 214-3082
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