The President submitted his 2013 budget.
Does it cut:
-Funding of grants and loans to alternative energy sources? This should be pursued by the private sector and the free market should determine its success if it is affordable.
-Does begin the elimination of the Department of Education? State and local school boards, university systems and parents should work together on education.
-Does eliminate federal grants? Why is money taken from citizens and states and then only given back in a grant if you follow ridiculous rules and regulations on how to spend it?
-Does it eliminate Obama Care and all federal mandates on what insurance must do?
-Does it give tax breaks to companies and corporations for providing health care plans to their employees?
-Does it reduce the size and scope of the EPA, Department of Energy, and include an across the board 10% cut in spending for every other federal cabinet department.
-Are we cutting foreign aid that was a total of $52.7B in 2010? Why are we giving $693M to the Westbank/Gaza? $1.7B to Egypt, a country now apparently an enemy? $505M to Russia? How many children in poverty could we help in our own country?
-Are we cutting every federal program that can be accomplished by the private sector?
-Does it cut taxes for the middle class?
-Are we going to have a flat tax, reducing rates for all citizens and companies?
Probably not