Fox News, March 19, 2012: Obama raises eyebrows with his executive order revising authority to nationalize resources for defense. The Homeland Security Secretary, with her Muslim Brotherhood advisors, now has the authority to issue guidance to other department heads. The authority is needed for the nation’s defense in case of terrorist attacks, which are quite likely, thanks to the porous border Homeland Security has allowed.
Couple this dubious Obama authority with the odds strongly in favor of Israel attacking Iran in 2012. We are quite sure that at least one enemy weapon of mass destruction is now in the United States. We know that the enemy is working with Mexican and South American drug cartels that have pipelines to all parts of the United States. A terrorist attack of great magnitude would be the reason to call martial law. Don’t count on an election in 2012. Count on Obama taking full control.
Obama has proven that he is an enemy of American values. He is a proven Marxist, a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Why has Obama not been arrested for treason?
Larry, your concern is half of the answer. What you envision happening in America is exactly what happened in Germany. The German people voted for Hitler. He offered them hope. He also put the blame on Jews. Obama will put the blame on capitalists.
On 100 percent credit, Hitler built the autobahn, hundreds of magnificent structures, and built a war machine that took Western Europe in short order, starting from nothing. The German people faced starvation. When they had no way to turn, Hitler performed tricks of magic. What makes you think Obama couldn’t do the same? Bankers love to finance wars. We are heading for World War III. And who is going to fight for your freedom? Time to start thinking this through.
If something is not done to change the current administration and the course
that america is on the economy of the US is bound to crash. When this happens
the Gov will not be able to pay its bills. For starters old people will not get their
social security checks,by the way thats all the majority of older americans have. No
medicare payments , no military pay, and the list goes on and on. When americans
get hungry and desperate enough they will kill to survive. All other countries where
the Gov and economies collaspsed prove this to be true. Suggest all america stock up with
plenty of non perishable food , drinking water, firearms and ammo. Good luck to you all
because your own military will turn on you too. I would like to think that people would help
each other out but history prooves otherwise.