Your demands for me to respect and tolerate Islam are rigidly rejected. I don't know what could be going on in that pea brain of yours that would make you believe me or any intelligent human being considers anything you say is worth a moment's reflection. When you say my "Christian" religion is bogus and tell me I must respect your Islamic faith you must be insane. I have seen Islam at work as has the rest of the world. Its believers claim they are justified in raping, killing, torturing, lying, and every other crime known to man. They claim it is their right to treat "nonbelievers" this way because their sociopathic pedophile prophet "Mohammed" and their imaginary daemon of hell god "Allah" ordained it. Well, Obama, if that is what you expect me to tolerate, accept or respect you can kiss my ass and go straight to hell. Islam is to humanity what Hitler was to the Jewish people, even worse. Islam is an insult to everything good and I will insult it whenever wherever and however I see fit. You can take up passing a law to protect it with Congress until hell freezes over and We the American people will never stop condemning and insulting people who practice such evil. Islamists threaten anyone who speaks against their idiot prophet with death, beheading or worse and you support them even when you know it is a crime to make these threats in our country. As far as I am concerned you are as guilty of killing Americans as your Islamic brothers and I pray God, the real God, will see that you see the inside of a prison cell or the sting of a needle for your crimes.
Art Phillips